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  1. @Ben P. I see they are indeed “rockfish” then lol.
  2. @nabokovfan87 I think what we enjoying in this hobby isn’t only the afterwords success but also the process of pursuing it, at least this is true for me lol. Black water tank is my personal favorite as well. Susswassertang wall is a brilliant idea, I’m thinking about having one for my next tanks! Can’t wait to see it when you have some pictures! Best luck with your plan!
  3. @Ben P. Great idea! My opinion would be adding tall plants like vallisneria spiralis. They could be place at background ,It fits the river theme looking, and helps you fill up the empty space in the middle of tank. Itll eventually reach to the water surface. I think it’s highly recommended for cichlids as well. Btw, is there a reason that you didn’t keep plants in this tank? Switching to canister is a big upgrade, but since you already have fish living in (not sure for long), but I’ll suggest you keep monitoring the water parameters after the change. Have fun!
  4. Hi, Great river looking tank you have there! Really nice hardscapes. Nothing feels more rewarding than raising up these babies lol. For real, avoiding glass reflection, capturing their true vibrant colors on camera is never easy lol. Best luck with your breeding project!
  5. I’m so sorry to hear the health challenges you’re been facing. I understand maintaining nano tanks can be very demanding. Glad to know this one is giving you the peace of mind that you need the most. Your well-being is always the priority, and our aquarium hobby should be an enjoyable and therapeutic experience. Wishing you improved health and beautiful, low-maintenance aquariums to enjoy!
  6. Greeting Scott, Sounds like you already have had quite experiences with freshwater aquarium. Since you don’t have a specific question I’ll just type whatever pops up in my head. Since you have a large tank, I think ensuring that water parameters stabilize first, with a fully established ecosystem, is really important before introducing any fish into the tank. This way, it helps you narrow down your choices of fish and also avoids the stressful process of altering water parameters, especially in a big tank like this. It's going to be a slow process, but no rush – don’t add too many fish at one time.. always monitor their reaction and behavior Plants: Anubia species, Java fern, Java moss, dwarf sword, chain sword, are all good for low lech and low maintenance. Corkscrew vallis, creeping rush are really nice background plants. Fish: For a peaceful tropical community tank, you may consider neon tetras, cardinal tetras, or ember tetras. Male guppies also good choice to add color and activity in your tank. Cherry shrimp should do well for this setup as long as there are plenty of hiding spaces among your plants. Most importantly, enjoy the process and the beauty of this rewarding hobby! Good luck and have fun!
  7. Hi thank you for sharing! This tank deserves the expose and praise! Im thinking reduce light source and/or introduce algae eating clean up crews may help with your concerns. Nonetheless, what a beautiful tank you have here! That water looks so good and natural. I’m current in the process of darkening the water for one of my tank as well. This is exactly how I wanted it to look like! Regarding your recent health issue, wish you the best and speeding recovery!
  8. Wow! Another huge piece of artwork here it looks gorgeous! Really liked your arrangement of rocks, woods and plants! I think you made a right decision to let the plant grow however they want, it really gives a natural looking vibe! Love it! That puffer fish is the main character here lol! Just curious about what specie it is? Rare to see they are in a community tank. Don’t they like to snack on the small fish and shrimps?
  9. Thanks for sharing! Just from your photo its absolutely beautiful aquascaping! I bet it’ll be way more eye catching in person! Great work! What’s the red plant you have on the right side? I’m thinking about adding red plants to my chilis rasboras home.
  10. Googled the fish. Omg they are stunning! Can’t wait for you photos!
  11. Thanks for sharing! That’s a huge tank you got there! You have the space to grow a garden on top lol. Really beautiful fish choice. Well done mate!
  12. Nice shrimp tank! I like your plant choices they look so alive! With red cherry shrimp really gives great color contrast!
  13. Greetings! Just wanted to say hi and connect with you nature lovers! What’s the favorite tank you build? I’ll go first. My favorite tank right now is my Buddha tank. Home for Neocaridina shrimps and Ramshorn snails. Plants are Pogostemon Octopus, Anubias Nana, Marimo moss, Java moss, and Duckweed on the surface. Low tech, low cost, easy maintenance but I’m proud of the most. What about yours? Will you share some of your hard works with us here? Maybe we can find some inspirations for our future tanks setups! Thanks!
  14. My experience with zebra danio says they are really energetic fast swimmers with playful personalities, and territorial. I would say they might not be an optimal choice for a peaceful community tank.
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