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Everything posted by Tobielakeshore

  1. UPDATE First thanks to all who have responded to this question. You have really helped to put me in the right direction. Based on the article I concluded that my shrimp had a parasite like Ellobiopsidae. From the picture in the article posted it looked just like the yellow stuff on the red shrimp. Looking at treatment options online I was discouraged and thought the shrimp would die…I put the affected shrimp in a small isolation tank (about 1 gallon) with some plants. I added extra salt but did not seem to help. Then I used Ich X. At first a small amount but then added more over a couple weeks enough to maintain a blue tint to the water adding more every 3 days or so. The yellow stuff persisted and even seemed to grow slightly more impairing the swimmerets. The shrimp was still able to swim and eat. To my surprise over about 6 weeks the yellow growth started to recede eventually going away completely. I kept that shrimp isolated for another month or so and with no signs of yellow growth returned it to the general population. Still no sign of the stuff!!! Months later. I am convinced the Ich X was the cure. Did not find other reliable treatments online but if anyone has this type of shrimp parasite I would try the IchX. Thanks again for the forum members who made me realize my shrimp was not berried. I’m still just a novice shrimp keeper …. Thankful not to lose my whole colony.
  2. My neo shrimp has been berried for two weeks. Now yellow eggs appear to be “stuck” on sides of body. Shrimp looks healthy but eggs do not appear to be progressing. What is going on?
  3. I have an 8 gal tank with endlers , one betta, ramshorn snails and plants. Plants overall look healthy but some have developed holes in leaves. Don’t ever see anything eating the leaves. What is causing this?
  4. I have seen youtube videos that recommend crushing/grinding up egg shells to add to the tank for keeping snails and shrimp healthy. Does this work?
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