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Posts posted by San

  1. Hi, I know that this isn't about freshwater, but I have a 75 gallon brackish water tank. It have been through a lot of different fishes, and I have tried out a lot of the more common brackish water fishes, now I'm trying to get to some rarer fishes for the tank. Currently, I have a couple of indian mudskiper in the tank, and need some more unique fish for the water section of the tank. Please leave as many suggestion as you can. Thank you.

  2. Oh yeah, if it's anglefish, what would the type be? I want a big school of 2 different types of anglefish, I already have 10 platinum angles, and I want 10 more zebra phillipine blue angles. Don't worry, the tank won't be over stock because me and my dad are planning to build a 10ft by 4ft by 30in tank in the winter for an indoor project, so the tank won't be overstocked.

  3. Oh, for more information about my tank. I keep the temperature at around 77-78 degrees, ph is around 7.2. The NEW tank dimension will be 10ft by 4ft by 30in. The current stocking is a lot of swordtails, guppies, platys, endlers. 7 breeding groups of corydoras, albino corydoras, panda coryodras, bronze corydoras, habrosus corydoras, orange venezulan corydoras, paleatus corydoras, and black venezualan corydoras. Longfin lemon blue eye bristlenose plecos, leopard frog plecos, otocincluses and a pair of kribensis cichlids. I know that the tank is slightly over stock, but the plants are taking care of the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite very well. I hope the new tank will come soon.

  4. So if you are reading my other posts, I've been trying to figure out the centerpiece stocking choice for my 350 gallon heavily planted aquarium. As I said in one of the post, I already got a group of platinum angelfish with my swordtails, guppies, platys, endlers, corydoras, plecos, etc.... When I added the angles, The tank is still pretty empty, and I already have plans on upgrading the aquarium to a larger aquarium that my dad and I are planning on building. The stocking will be the same for the new tank, except for I wanna get some rosy loaches, panda loaches, and panda garra. I really wanna get some more larger fishes for the aquarium. What would be your suggestion? I'm leaning toward getting more of the wild type scalare angles, and maybe even some uaru cichlid, but I the uaru might eat the plants. So please leave some stocking suggestion please.

  5. Thank you for all your responses. the livebearers have a lot of plants to hide in, so the fry will probably survive. If anybody is wondering, I will dig deeper into the stocking of this tank. So I have bred 7 species of corydoras in that tank, albino corydoras, habrosus corydoras, bronze corydoras, paleatus corydoras, panda corydoras, black venezualan corydroras, and orange venezualan corydoras. I also have 6 leopard frog plecos, 2 pairs of blue eyed longfin lemon bristlenose, a couple of common bristlenose, 6 of the wormline pleco, 1 rubberlip pleco, a lot of otocincluses, 3 siamese algae eater. Swordtails, guppies, endlers, platys. Ramshorn snails, nerite snails, pond snails, and japanese trapdoor snails. That's pretty much it. Thank you for all the feedback.

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  6. Hi, I'm a 13 years old kid from WA, and my name is San. I have recently saved up enough money to buy myself 10 platinum angelfish, they're currently in quarantine. My plan is to put them in my 350 gallon heavily planted tank with guppies, platys, endlers, swordtails, corydoras, plecos, 1 pair of kribensis, snails, three 6 inches SAE. Can the angels live with these fish? Most people on the internet said yes, but I just wanna make sure.

  7. Hi, I currently have a planted 20 gallon long aquarium with a breeding group of albino corydoras, guppies, platys, one molly, one albino bristlenose pleco, and a pair of pelvicachromis pulchers. I keep the tank unheated, and it stays around 70-73 degrees since my home is pretty warm year round. Everybody is healthy and breeding. I just got the kribensis about 1 month ago, and I'm just wondering if they can breed in the temperature that I'm keeping them in right now?

  8. Hi, I'm San from Kent, WA. I have a 20 gallon planted aquarium with different species of ludwigia, bacopa, hornwort, anacharis, water wisteria, and one amazon sword. I'm trying to fill in my tank with a lot of plants. I personally cannot buy any more plants (because my parents won't let me). I want to grow the stem plants tall and trim it and replant the trimmed part, I also want my amazon sword to make baby swords. I have already doses the all in one fertilizer and root tab from flourish. My substrate is just plain gravel from the petstore and from a local lake at my house. I don't remember what light I bought, but it's not that good. The question is, should I get an led light at walmart? Should I get co2? Should I get better fertilizer?

    Thank you!

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