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Marvin Gattis

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  1. I need to talk to someone who raises brine shrimp to full growth, Thanx
  2. Everything is working out just fine, I'm on my 3 day and they haven't died yet.................. I have come to the conclusion that if I want to raise these to adults, I will have to come up with a formula as to how much eggs and how to feed them without over feeding. All the fish growers never let them get much over 2-3 days old, so there isn't any need to feed them. But I have an idea and I just need put it in motion to see if it will work, if it don't work, I'll be doing another batch. THANX
  3. I went back to the glass thermometer and started a new batch that looks like it might survive, to early to say. I didn't change anything else so if it works, I can assume that was the problem I only have a 10 gal. tank and this was another experiment. I have about 5 times what they recommend for fish in a 10 gal. tank and loaded with live plants. I wanted it to be as natural as possible. I have everything from neon tetras to huge molly's and big algae eaters. Everything is working great, haven't had a fish die in over a day 😁 Just kidding. I just thought that maybe they all could have a great dinner.......................... THANX for the help
  4. Thanx for the help..............I think my problem may be that I was using a digital thermometer with a copper or brass sending unit that my be reacting with the salt water. I'm in the process of running a new batch now. The water just turned whiter almost like the water soured. I went with a regular stone with a valve, works great. Salt was not a problem. I use a heater only to keep temp constant, trying to eliminate all problems. I use a SPG meter for alkalinity, here again trying to eliminate any problems. At this stage of the game, I'm not to concerned about hatch rate, I'm going to use fewer eggs so I can raise to full size in this tank. This is a experiment to see if I can can do it. THANX for the help
  5. Thanx for the info, believe me, I do welcome the help. I thought maybe the eggs i got from co-op may have been cooked in delivery so i bought a couple of other brands but I'm still having trouble, so i think i need to change my way of thinking. It seems that after 24-36 hours the water turns milky and foam collects at the top. Don't know if this is normal ??...............................THANX again
  6. I'm using 2 liters filtered water in my Ziss tank and this a kind of an experiment. If this doesn't work in my Ziss tank by using less shrimp and growing them to adult size, I'm throwing in the towel.....................THANX
  7. I think you may be correct about being cooked. I've read enough about brine shrimp to see that they are not that fussy about the living conductions. I wash all my equipment vigorously be for I start another hatch. I bring 2 liters of filtered water in the Ziss tank up to 75-80 deg, ad aquarium salt to tank until I get a SPG of 1.011-1.028, then i check the PH and bring it up to 8.0-9.0, ad a pinch of baking soda. When this all comes together, then i add my brine shrimp. I'm probably adding to many shrimp but it doesn't seem to matter, none hatch...................THANX for the help
  8. They are dead at that point, there is no movement at all..................
  9. This is probably my 7 time trying to hatch my brine shrimp and nothing seems to be working, so wandering if there my be something wrong with the eggs ????
  10. I was trying to raise them to adult size for my bigger fish. Surly, they should live longer than 3 days. If they are fed and the water temp is ok, why wouldn't they live longer ???
  11. I'm using you're Ziss breeder and you're eggs. I'm using a bubbler, thermometer and a heater.
  12. I love you're products but I seem to be having some trouble raising my brine shrimp. This is my 5th try and they all seem to die after the 3rd day. Water temp= 75-80 degrees, PH= 80 & up, Water SPGR= 1.025-1.026, Food= Spirulina. What am I doing wrong ???????????? THANX
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