I've had fish for a year now, and my first fish died after 5 months from dropsy, and then my other two died months later from what im assuming is old age. I've always had seemingly healthy fish and some just pass (as fish do), but over the last few weeks ALL of my fish have died. Like 30 fish in 2 days.
29 Gallon Tank: (had platys, cherry barbs, mollies, guppy- now has 1 angelfish, 2 mollies, 1 guppy)
My water has tested normal every time I've tested it (which has been like 5 times, and a fish store has also tested it and said it looked good). I changed the water and added 7 new fish and 3 died in 3 days. I just replaced my filter in the tank (was time to change it) that had the 30 deaths.
5.5 Gallon Tank: (had 1 male betta)
Today, I noticed the fish had a laceration on its side that had fungus coming out of it so i gave fungal meds and bacterial meds and he died today.
I'm kind of at a loss. I went from raising baby platys and having a thriving tank of 30 fish and a playful betta, to a tank with 4 fish and an empty tank now. I have heaters and filters in each tank, I clean them regularly, the water is testing normal (including ammonia) and my fish are still dying left and right. What am I missing?