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  1. My black molly is in a 29 gallon tank with a male molly, another female, a male and female platy, and an angel fish. She looks very squared off and has a white spot right under her anal fin. I assumed she was pregnant and close to birth, so I put a tank divider on one third of the 29 gallon and put her on the 1/3 side and the rest of the fish on the other. She started swimming frantically, so I put towels over the tank to help her not see the other fish on the other side or the barrier and seh calmed down, but she pooped a lot and looks smaller? This has happened twice now with no fry. I am pretty convinced she is pregnant because of the square belly, and white spot, but am getting very confused by the slimming down without fry. What is happening with the fish?
  2. There’s 2 platys and an angel fish, but the black molly has been on one side of a tank divider and the others are all on the other side
  3. So yesterday my black molly was VERY large, had a white opening near her anal fin and looked like she was about to give birth, but this morning, she looks small again and there is 0 evidence of fry. I have plenty of hiding spots for the fry, so if they were born I feel like I should see at least one somewhere. The fish still has the white spot near her anal fin, so I really dont know whats going on. I've attached pictures from both last night and tonight. Any ideas what could be happening?
  4. So yesterday my black molly was VERY large, had a white opening near her anal fin and looked like she was about to give birth, but this morning, she looks small again and there is 0 evidence of fry. I have plenty of hiding spots for the fry, so if they were born I feel like I should see at least one somewhere. The fish still has the white spot near her anal fin, so I really dont know whats going on. I've attached pictures from both last night and tonight. Any ideas what could be happening?
  5. I feed them each morning!
  6. Hey! I can't tell if my molly is pregnant or not. She's been bigger for a while with no fry yet, and in the lsat few days has gotten much bigger and is losing color in her abdomen. there is a male balloon belly male in the tank as well, so I am unsure if she's pregnant or fat.
  7. in the 29 gallon, i had recently introduced 2 new fish and then a week later the 30 died, so i suspected a parasite or infection so that makes sense. I cleaned the water though and there was no crossover between the first 30 and the new 7 and 3 of the 7 have died as well for reasons unknown. I tested the water every time a fish died and it has been normal each time. in the 5 gal, i cant think of anything that couldve been transmitted tank to tank but i easily could be forgetting. i really appreciate the help! thank you!
  8. I've had fish for a year now, and my first fish died after 5 months from dropsy, and then my other two died months later from what im assuming is old age. I've always had seemingly healthy fish and some just pass (as fish do), but over the last few weeks ALL of my fish have died. Like 30 fish in 2 days. 29 Gallon Tank: (had platys, cherry barbs, mollies, guppy- now has 1 angelfish, 2 mollies, 1 guppy) My water has tested normal every time I've tested it (which has been like 5 times, and a fish store has also tested it and said it looked good). I changed the water and added 7 new fish and 3 died in 3 days. I just replaced my filter in the tank (was time to change it) that had the 30 deaths. 5.5 Gallon Tank: (had 1 male betta) Today, I noticed the fish had a laceration on its side that had fungus coming out of it so i gave fungal meds and bacterial meds and he died today. I'm kind of at a loss. I went from raising baby platys and having a thriving tank of 30 fish and a playful betta, to a tank with 4 fish and an empty tank now. I have heaters and filters in each tank, I clean them regularly, the water is testing normal (including ammonia) and my fish are still dying left and right. What am I missing?
  9. Both guppies had their tails chewed and all three fish were laying on the bottom of the tank (in the same spot) on their backs or sides and they were curved I don’t have any pictures unfortunately, and none of the now dead fish were in quarantine when they died. They all acted normal and just died suddenly so I didn’t notice anything wrong to quarantine them. I’ll look at the rest and see if I can see anything!
  10. I have a 29 gallon tank that had a Mollie, a Betta, a Platy, and several Platy fry in a contained net to grow. I bought two male guppies on Sunday and by Monday, one of them died. I thought it could’ve been eaten by the betta because its tail wasn’t in tact, but the next day, the betta was dead. I checked the water parameters and everything came back in a normal range (except I have hard water) and went and got my ammonia levels checked which also came back safe. I did a full water change and added fish back to the tank and all was well until this morning when another guppy died. I’m kind of at a loss as to what could be killing off my fish all of a sudden, in 7 months only one of my 6 fish had died, and now I’ve had 3 in one week. Any ideas?
  11. any idea what this white cloudy stuff is on the bottom on my tank? it didn’t notice it at all yesterday morning but when I checked again at night, it was there. Unsure of what this is or what to do with it
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