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  1. I did explain why you should use deck screws over drywall screws and how much weight a 2x4 can hold being on its side. I don’t think he understood but I’m gathering resources now to prove my points. I think that once I prove that you can build an aquarium stand for cheap and the accidents behind it he’d understand.
  2. So another update to my last post. I had discussed my stand issue with my parents and this is how it went: *I explained the issue and my father said he’d help me take a look at it. then today we took all of the drawers out and saw no cracks or issues. Then we put the drawers back. We got a level and it was still in the middle. We also use the measuring app on our phones. The middle was -2 degrees and the sides were -1 degrees. The stand is on carpet btw. We discussed ways to fix this. 1 sell one tank and buy a stand from petco. I said “ no, this is because those are made out of MDF and particle board and the wood swells when you get water on it. Which is obviously going to happen it’s a fish tank.” He said ok then what? I said” I am thinking we do a double decker stand.” He looked shocked and said there’s no way 2x4s and screws are going to hold that weight. “ I explained that there are many videos in YouTube on how to build a sturdy stand and there are for ohms in how to build a stand the right way. He said “ how do I know these people are professionals or not?” I said “some of these people have had the same stand for 5+ years and they buoy them themselves” I also brought up the cinderblock idea that Cory did a while back. This pleases him and said “ we can just paint it over or something” I said “ok” I have this LFS that actually built their racks by themselves. We can go there on Sunday to ask them how they did it. All of the tanks in that store are 40 breeders stacked on top of eachother. There are also two 500g Oscar tanks sitting in diy tanks. My father said “oh. Let’s ask them and see the next best course of action” He is very skeptical about building a stand diy. He has school and is very buisy. At the end of this month he has a whole week off but I have school aswell. I offered the weekend he has off and he said “ this thing is going to take atleast 3 weeks to do” I said “no. It took most of these people 3 hrs maximum to cut, sand, assemble, and set up these stands.” I also explained how a 2x4 can hold a lot of weight. I also said that we would use deck screws. He was shocked also and said “no way deck screws are going to hold that much” so the ask is can someone send me plans and designs on how to build a double decker stand. Or can someone explain the science and physics behind building a diy stand. Thanks!
  3. Thank you for the resource! I am debating selling both tanks to make a 20 gallon long multis tank on a stand. It would be kind of a breed for profit and fun thing. I have time on my hands (kinda. Based on what’s going on rn) and can deal with getting them out of the shells. This seems like my best option as building a double decker tank might be too much of a hassle. Knowing my father I know for sure he’d love to help make the stand but he’s a busy dude and can follow a guide on how to build the stand.
  4. Now the real question . How do I build a stand that can hold one 20 gallon long on top and one on the bottom?
  5. Alright. I can make the two stands next week or some time this month.
  6. I can try to do that in my next water change day because the water levels will be lower and easier to move. How long do you think I have before the stand gives out? I can figure out my next step on Sunday because that’s when I will have time.
  7. Thank you a lot for merging my posts! So here is how my dresser is made. The D represents drawers. Notice how it’s just straight lines. Yeah there is no supports in the middle. There are these triangle things though on the corners. I have space to make my own stand where I can stack the tanks though. forgot to include the pic
  8. I also read the context you provided. My shrimps keep dropping their eggs for no reason and this may be why! Thank you! So I made an update to my post and I see now what you all mean by the stand bowing. I can discuss this with my parents on Sunday and see whats next. Could you see my update post if you can? I may be able to make stands for these tanks. Would removing one of the tanks fix this issue and I instead put the tank I keep in the middle?
  9. So I may also have to get out of the hobby until next year. Idk I’m trying to rack my brain and need help! so for starters here is my tanks on a leveler thing. The first pic with the moss and wood is the leaning in the left. The second pic is the middle of my dresser/stand and my gourami in the e pic lol. The third is the right side of he stand. So as you can see it isn’t 100% level. The fourth pic is what’s in the middle of my stand/ dresser. It is just drawers. I cannot stick a 2x4 through the middle because of other reasons. Would selling one of the tanks delay the inevitable? I can get a new stand by October- Christmas somewhere in between then.
  10. 2 weeks ago I got a new chair (kind of). I was leaning back in an office chair and the whole backing snapped off. So I just got one of those old foldable chairs and then the noises stared to appear. The chair is folded up and I have not heard the noise and it’s been around an hour now. The chair had been to the beach a lot and has some sand in its joints. It is on a load bearing wall though
  11. I don’t even own my house. It’s my parents and I’m not old enough to move out yet. If the tanks break or my stands break I’d wake up at the orphanage lmao 🤣
  12. Yeah I guess it sounds like it too. Also since I posted this my chair has been folded up and I have not heard the sound since.
  13. Nope. I too out all of the drawers and looked for some issues. Could not find anything of issue. I do have a plantation shutter next to the stand/tanks and I asked a sibling on the other side of the house and they said they heard something similar. The throng is the shudders directly face the sun so it would be the shutters instead.
  14. So two weeks ago I started hearing noises from my tanks. It wasn’t water moving or bubbles popping it was sounds like when you crack your finger. Every time I hear it I check the stand that it’s on for cracks or any issues and nothing. I check the tanks for cracks and chips still nothing. How long do I have? I did get a new chair though. It was an office chair but I leaned too far back on it and the backing snapped. I’m by no means heavy at all. I weigh only 120lbs. Whatever so I got one of those big 5 sport chairs from the garage and put it in my room with the fish. It’s been to the beach a few times and has a bit of sand in the joints. It might be the sand but idk. I’m kinda scared!
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