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Everything posted by nisa_urlove

  1. im a relatively new fish keep i have my tanks all set up and cycled i just would like to have some recommendations for what type of freshwater fish i should put in my 5-10gallon aquarium
  2. i will try to do that but you see its more of my older plants dying off and the leafs falling off i had them for about a month , but recently they just started dying and i dont know whats the cause of it and prior before this i didnt use any fertilizer but they were doing just fine . so i was just wondering should i take out the dead leafs or should i leave them be , some people say to let the dead leafs stay in the tank because its provides nutriens to the soil or something and some people say to take it out because its not good for the water and the fish
  3. im a beginner fish keeper and when it comes to plants there is alot i dont know . i just wanted to ask someone for help because my plants are dying do i throw them out or do i keep them in the fish tank , i was thinking about buying fertilizer but my local fish shop owner told me not to because i had just bought a bag of aquasoil and new pants . i hope anyone out there can tell me what to do
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