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Posts posted by Zipgun

  1. I have 4 quarantine tanks running right now, all local wild caught fish. Did the med trio treatments and separate levamisole treatments. Everything looked good after a few weeks- one ammonia spike, my fault, and a few jumpers, but majority came out fine. Then two of the tanks came down with a nasty bacterial infection that was shrugging off the maracyn when I target treated the tanks. Aggressive infection that went from some small patches to most of the body over night. I then switched to a combo of maracyn ( which mostly treats gram positive bacteria) and Fuan-2 (which treats mostly gram negative bacteria) and the combo knocked the infections down in two days. (I am going to repeat the duo-treatment after a water change)

    Now that I know that the local waters are likely to have a gram negative bacteria present I will stat using Furan-2 as part of the quarantine process. I may try just adding it to the med trio and make it a quartet in one of the next batch of quarantine tank and see how it goes. 

    Has anyone else tried mixing a medication for gram negative bacteria in their med trio quarantine process?

  2. 54 minutes ago, RovingGinger said:

    That’s crazy cool. It makes me wonder if they were spotted locally and kind of rumors (or grouped in with something else) that got confirmed or so rare that it was a once in a lifetime chance to spot one above ground without hunting them out. 

    According to the article on rare occasions it was seen by locals, but not often enough for it to even really be known as a rare fish. A researcher saw  a picture on social media of a odd fish a local that found in his backyard well. 

  3. I have my first batch of locally caught native and invasive fish in quarantine using the med trio. I can't remember which video it was that Dean talked about his variation of quarantine  by alternating between the trio and Levamisole. I am on day 6 and will soon need to do a water change and treat with Levamisole. For the Levamisole, are we supposed to follow the manufacturer's instructions, or do something different?  Also, how bad is it to feed the fish during the quarantine period? I lucked out and ended up with three fat sleeper gobies in addition to some feral swordtails (including two females which are red) and some very small gambusia. Due to the wider than expected size variation (one of the fat sleepers is a good 3 inches) in the fish, I've been feeding to prevent predation. 

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