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  1. I've had a school of 10 of these guys for a few months now. I swapped the glass lid for a screen lid for a week during the recent heat wave to prevent temps raising too high. It of course changed the lighting in the tank. ' When I switched back to the glass lid yesterday, I noticed a white splotch behind the head of the most active of the bunch, he's never really settled in and always racing around. Could this be stress related due to changing the lid, or an illness? Maybe I didn't catch it earlier because the tank was dimmer. It doesn't look raised, but he moves so fast it's hard to get a decent picture. Still eating and active, not flicking or acting otherwise abnormal. There are also cherry shrimp and ramshorns in this tank. NItrates - 10 Hardness - 100 NItrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 KH - 2 Temp - 74 7-gallon heavily planted.
  2. Thanks! I've seen them eating the smaller scuds in the tank and I'm working on culturing vinegar eels right now. It's fun to watch them brighten up when eating live foods versus processed! If only they would help keep the booming cherry shrimp population in check - there's apparently too many hiding places for the newborn shrimplets.
  3. I've had10 dwarf rasboras in a heavily planted 7-gallon cube with cherry shrimp for about 6 weeks. I feed baby brine and crushed various other foods which they love. I noticed on the days they don't get the bbs, two of them will hunt the blackworms that live in the substrate (this was formerly home to a betta who was upgraded to his own 10-gallon and loved hunting the worms). Is it safe for them to eat blackworms? They grab one and get it floating up in the water and then take bites out of it while it wiggles around, I've never seen them eat one whole. I could try to remove all the blackworms but they're part of the ecosystem now and the rasboras seem to enjoy hunting them.
  4. OK, I'll just leave him be. Thank you for the reply!
  5. I got Chuck (plakat galaxy male betta) almost a year ago. Since the first week he came home, he will randomly flick against the plants. Some days I don't notice him doing it at all, others he will spend a minute furiously flicking every plant he sees. Over the past year I have tried Prazipro, EM Erythromycin, Fin and Body Cure, aquarium salt, raising ph, lowering ph, adding IAL, temps from 76-80 and nothing seems to make a difference. He is extremely aggressive and eats snails and shrimp so I wonder if he is just battling the plants when he gets irritated. The only thing I haven't tried is Ich-X because he has no white spots, no outward symptoms. Appetite is great, activity level is higher than any betta I have ever seen. Should I do the ich-X as a precaution? Seems if he's had ich for the past year he would have some symptoms by now. Even if it's only in his gills, he would be breathing hard and staying near the surface, but he is all over the place. I tried to get some good pictures but he moves around so much they're always blurry. 7 gallon with lots of plants, zero nitrites/ammonia, 5 nitrate, 77 degrees, 7 ph Edit: I should also add he is on my desk at home where I work, so I am watching him all day (not creepy at all right lol) and haven't noticed any pattern to the flicking.
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