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Posts posted by AquariumCentral

  1. I couldn't help myself yesterday... I walked into a pet supplies plus, going to see the store bird (an IRN) and I went back to look at the fish, well there was this REALLY pregnant platy, well I got her, and there was a REALLY FAT adorable cory so i got him... few hours later they are swimming in the 85g so yea.. 

    I attached a photo of the tank in progress (not fully scaped, but water parameters are amazing) and the cory.. Im thinking he has a spinal deformity?? . opinons?

    I can't get the photo of the cory to turn btw. also why does my tank have a yellow tint to it?


  2. Who (what tank mates) do you house the betta with? I REALLY want a male in a community tank with guppies and wtvr but i would not know how to make that possible, after all they are Siamese Fighting fish. 


    I had a betta a long time ago (back when my girls were 3 or 4) and I put him in the 25g tank.. well we can guess how that went..  the suprising part though was that he was dead, not the other fish... 

  3. yes, one female platy and two glofish tetras (ik they need to be kept in bigger groups). They are all 10-11 years old as of last month... 

     Note why I have a tank I am embarrassed of. : I am not financially suited to spend hundreds on a tank, therefore the 85g i am getting is in the living room/everyone's responsibility to pay for it 🙂 

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  4. Hello! This is pretty much a journal for me to keep track, but you are welcome to suggest things and comment along the way, cool? Lets get it started!

     I got an 85g with stand from my neighbor for free, reason was, their nephew had put a fried chicken in it. I cleaned out the canister filter, replaced media, cleaned tank blah... blah.. blah.. 

    Now I have it cycling, with sand, and hornwort, unidentified carpeting species, and El nino fern. I hope to have WAYYYY more many plants than that, but still am in the collection phase. I hope to put guppies, mollies/ livebearers as my water condition does allow. 

     more to be added later 🙂 After all, it is a journal!

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