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  1. You're amazing! I tried slime out and I didn't notice any change at all so I tried peroxide and bam it was almost instantly gone in some spots and in the thicker spots it took a little longer but was all gone by the next day. That was like magic. Thank you for your help! It is greatly appreciated!!
  2. A sponge filter, a heater, and plants are all I have in the tank. I have a few snails and 2 plecos that I just added a week ago to help with algae. The tank is a 20 gallon. I do a 25% water change every Friday I use API stress coat+ API leaf zone and seachem stability every time I do water change and it’s been the same since I’ve set it up. If I’m missing anything please let me know. I really love this hobby and don’t want to give up this time. This Cyanobacteria is really discouraging at this point because I don’t want to start over but this crap is everywhere in my tank.
  3. I just added slime out yesterday. I’m hoping it helps because it just seems to spread like wild fire. I turn my lights on at 6 am and off at 6 pm. I don’t really know what type of light it is it came with the lid of the aquarium. As far as plants go, I have hornwort Amazon sword Java fern and a few others I’m not sure what they are honestly.
  4. No I don’t have a phosphate test kit I just have test strips that test, iron, copper, NO3, NO2, Chlorine, hardness, alkalinity, carbonate, and ph. My tank is 2 months old. I do have 2 plecos and 5 snails, will the peroxide hurt them?
  5. Ok so at first I thought it was algae so I got some snails and plecos and they didn't touch it, so I started doing research and have come to the conclusion that it's cyanobacteria. I have slime out on the way, I just have no idea how it got there because my water perimeter are good. Unless it came on the plants I bought on amazon...Up until this outbreak the tank was empty of fish. I bought the 2 plecos and 5 snails to help with what I thought was algae. Also something white is now growing on top of the plant covered in blue green algae. Can someone tell me what it is and what I can do about it?
  6. So I’ve been thinking about buying a sponge filter and I’ve done some research on how they work and all and really my only question is do I need to use a hang on filter with it or can I just use the sponge filter by itself?
  7. I have this one and a little betta tank at the moment. I've had the betta tank for 4 months now and the 20 gallon for a week. I have plants on the way that I plan to put in the 20 to add more hiding places for when I put some fish in. I love guppies swordtails cory barbs etc. I've always been into aquariums and ponds but I haven't always had luck with keeping fish alive so I gave it up for a long while because I felt like I needed more research. I hated not knowing how to keep my fish friends happy and healthy. I know a little more than I did then but I want to know more.
  8. Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm kinda new to the hobby of fish keeping. I'm also new to expressing myself on any kind of media but I'm here to learn everything I can to keep my aquariums and the beautiful life inside them happy and healthy. I'm not very good at introducing myself so I don't really know what else to say but if you would like to know anything else let me know and I'll answer the best I can.
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