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Posts posted by EleanorM

  1. I used to trade shrimp for store credit at a lfs. One lovely day, I was looking for stuff to spend my credit on and stopped to watch the shrimp tank (cuz I love them) and the new guy came over and tried to hard sell me some shrimp and explain to me how to breed them and even offered that some customer bred them all locally and maybe I could buy a bunch and undercut that other person..  ie. me.  ….  It was hella awkward 

    • Haha 2
  2. On 2/26/2023 at 8:06 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:

    Buce are just suuuuuuuuper slow. They take forever. Even emersed, they are slow growers. Give them 4× the amount of time you would give anubias, to show signs of growth. That's part of the reason I try and stay away from it (the other one is price). I've only had it do well in terrariums, and that was only after everything overtook it and I forgot it was even there. Buce is the three things you don't want a plant to be; beautiful, slow growing and expensive 😞

    I love beautiful plants though.  
    I don’t mind slow growing.  In fact, after cleaning floating plants out of all 4 tanks and fretting about all the baby Java fern roots all over … I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of slow growing.  I just cringe at the amount of melt.  These were 3x the size they are now.  Almost 100% leaf loss and very little new growth, if any, to note.

    even the anubias has notable growth…

    for posterity; an edit:

    I added more stone to hold the Buce firmly in place.  I also pulled the worst off anubias out of the shrimp 5 gallon and stuck it in for comparison over the weeks to come.


  3. On 2/26/2023 at 7:19 PM, knee said:

    How long have you had them in the tank? My buce only shown growth after 6-8 weeks and that growth is still slow. They're not like stem plants that will adjust in a few days and show growth after a week. Buce also don't like being moved a lot so I'd make sure they're secured in one spot and glued on the rock well.

    The Buce is 20 days in tank, 14 days out of pot.  (They “floated”, submerged for six days).


    my memory sucks so the order tracking is clutch.

  4. I ordered a couple pots of Buce from Aquarium CoOp and I do t know what’s wrong?

    It is the only plant I have that is on the struggle bus.


    every other plant seems to be doing fine.



    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon with stock light.  Expanded filtration with 2 of the stock sponges each with 2x bio ring bags in each.  No carbon.  Sponge intake cover for Shrimp grazing/protection, low flow “fountain style” spray bar.


    6.8 ph, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10-20 nitrate, 160 TDS, 75.2 F 


    1 pump Easy Green 2x weekly + 1 pump after weekly water change.

    1 pump Easy Iron every Sunday after 30-50% water change.


    1x Koi Plakat Betta, 14 Celestial Pearl Danio, 20x (give or take) red Cherry Shrimp, 1x Nerite Snail



  5. This weekend:

    The Betta 9 gallon is doing well:


    there is at least one pregnant cherry shrimp!


    meanwhile, in the other betta tank:


    no one seems berried, but … Shrimplets!

    ok, shrimplet …. But it’s progress in the yellow world.

    in the Puffer tank:

    the ember tetras are out and about..


    But the puffers are being stealthy and hard to photo.

    Meanwhile, in the shrimp tank, the Chili Rasbora refuse to come out of hiding.


  6. TL;DR: this rack weighs at least 375 lbs. what, if anything, should I do to help spread the weight on the feet of the shelving.

    So yesterday, I modified a Walmart wire shelving system to be my aquarium rack:


    I put magic sliders under the feet to help distribute the weight.  The outer rings of the sliders popped off.


    the shelf system legs are about 1/2 inch diameter.

    the shelving weight on the box is 32.19 lbs assembled.  I added 4 1/2 inch plywood shelves over the top of the wire for a flat bottom.


    the rack is holding:

    4x plywood shelves (4.29 lbs. each, 17.16 lbs total)

    1x 3.6 gallon Fluval Betta Premium (10.21 lbs.)

    1x 5 gallon Fluval Spec V (13.9 lbs.)

    2x 9 gallon Fluval Flex (11.08 lbs each)

    2x 8.8 lbs backs of Fluval stratum (17.6 lbs)

    2x 9 lbs bags of stone = 18 lbs


    = 46.27 lbs in glass

    = 221.84 lbs in water

    =35.6 lbs in hardscape

    = 49.35 lbs in shelving

    total weight = 353.86 lbs

    the system is rated for 350 lbs per shelf,  1750 lbs. total maximum; I am way under weight.  No concerns there.

    What, if anything, should I do to make the weight more evenly distributed for the sake of the floor?

  7. This is my usual process I guess.  Get a tank, spend 1-2 months setting up, eventually get fish.

    Right now, all of my aquariums are “over stocked” according to the “1 inch of fish per gallon” rule of thumb.

    There are 3 pea puffers, 14 ember tetra, 2 nerite snails, and 10 (or so) amano shrimp in the 9 gallon.  They’re all happy.  There are tunnels and line of sight breaking things everywhere.  The plants and fish are all doing well, and other than 1 ember tetra dying the day after they came home, I am unaware of any fatalities.

    pH on all tanks is 6.8

    0 nitrates.

    0 nitrites.

    0 ammonia.

    I check water with my API freshwater master kit every Sunday during the livestream, after the water changes.

    I use test strips 2-3 times per week.

    I personally believe the key to success is patience.  I set up just after Thanksgiving, finished just before New Year’s Day, and introduced livestock mid-late January, after the plants were doing ok and actively growing.

    I don’t put a lot of faith in “good water parameters” unless a tank is a month or so in.  My tap water tests the exact same as my aquarium water, right out of the tap…  

    i guess my point to self is, the beneficial bacteria make the water “good” and fish safe.  That doesn’t come out of the tap, it comes with time.

    Spec 5 shown above has approximately 35 blue shrimp, 9 chili rasbora, and 1 nerite snail.

    Spec 5 #2 has 1 platinum white dumbo eat half veil male betta, 1 nerite snail, 10 or more yellow shrimp,  and 9 neon green tetra.  This was my “quarantine” tank and one day it will be a pretty girl, but for now … no photos, please 😐

    Flex 9 #2 has 1 plakat koi male Betta, 14 celestial pearl danio, 20+ Bloody Mary shrimp, and 2 nerite snails.


  8. Flex 5 gallon weekly progress (yep, the plants just floated for 2 weeks before I planted them….

    week 1: picked initial layout and rocks.  Don’t worry, I change my mind …


    Week 2: a dozen pots of plants from aquarium coop showed up.


    week 3: I moved the plants into a bucket, stole plants from the 9 gallon above, and found some spiderwood.43D3DEEA-5AD1-443E-8227-72589EC4DC27.jpeg.6b132016d246558eb446e8f9135898f9.jpeg

    week 4: I finally started planting 

    week 5:  I’m mostly happy0143BB87-2961-4F26-82FA-AB14EC3B27EA.jpeg.6f750e6368590bb8fb5ae0e92376cf38.jpeg

    week 6:  I moved the spiderwood 1/4 inch left….0143BB87-2961-4F26-82FA-AB14EC3B27EA.jpeg.6f750e6368590bb8fb5ae0e92376cf38.jpeg

    week 7 tannins are leaking onto my white sand 😞2A602736-295B-4215-94BB-59C7DAA59E37.jpeg.0a54f8427f28b06fb9fa21ac273971cd.jpeg

    I was away 2 weeks, so a bit of a jump to now:




  9. So here’s my photo journal for my Flex 9 gallon.

    initial set up, early December 2022.


    There is no livestock yet, just getting the wood, rock and plants started…9C67E77C-F6CE-445F-BFDA-0F76AFAD267F.jpeg.3d8b8d788628ca584e3c38a69786e116.jpeg

    About 1 week later:

    C1C9F15F-7BED-48A6-B280-C8993CC28C71.jpeg.539ab11d075aa28c8a68cf82597257e8.jpegmoved some things, making more cloudy water, but more plants!

    Another week later:

    the water is better. Some of the hair grass is starting to root … still not livestock ready though.

    Another week:


    I found some Java fern!  The Pearl weed has just begun to spread.  I moved some more things to make the water cloudy again…

    Another week:


    more Java fern!

    Another week:


    most of the melt has ended, and real growth is happening!

    Another week:


    the plants are all super happy.  The water is consistently where I want it!  Goal achieved.





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  10. Here is the “lone wolf” of the triad:


    The white speck is a baby snail on the glass…


    This is the pair


    To me, the loner puffer seems full as does one of the pair.  The bottom fish in the bottom photo has significantly less of a belly than the other.

    Full of snails?  To skinny?  Keep on feeding blood worms?  Give them a day or 2 to go murder hobo on my snail population?


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  11. E9B4509E-CD62-4F07-BAD6-B91F26B67A9D.jpeg.99a799fa29962eb37f7c375600773c61.jpeg

    so I got a couple (3) pea puffers.  They’re all together in my 9 gallon to get through deworming, a round API of all in one and Ich X just to be safe.

    The back up plan is one in each of my community tanks if they cannot all get along (always have a back up plan).

    This particular tank had a deliberate pond snail issue (because I knew I was getting a puffer).  There are still some snails to be found.  I can count six at the water line right now.

    Question:  for 2.5 days now, I have been using tongs to try to feed the babies blood worms.  Just generic Omega One frozen slab (as opposed to ice cube version). 

    I put about a 1/2 inch square into an old tea strainer and rose under water and empty on to a paper towel.  I then use the tongs to push them into a pile and pick them up.  Then, I simply hold them in the water to see if anyone is hungry or interested.  5 consecutive feedings without any puffer showing any interest in the blood worms.  After 2-3 minutes, the worms have all drifted out of the tongs, and I have faith the shrimp will make quick work of the rare snack.

    should I be concerned?  Is it possible they’re getting enough snail hunting in throughout the day that the snack just lacks appeal?

    here are some photos so you can see body shapes.  I can’t tell if their bellies are full or not.


    For scale, that last photo: the plant is MonteCarlo 


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  12. One of my Amano shrimp is now easily 2-3 times the size of any of her tank mates.  A couple days ago she looked like this:


    today she looks like this:


    did she hatch out babies?  I mean, there are theoretically 10 Amano shrimp in there, but most remained comparatively small.  Maybe 2 are giantesses and I only see one at a time?

     I was under the impression Amano can’t breed in fresh water?

    in other news, my baby pea puffer just ignores them.  More on that later…70C1B0E4-2F90-4348-B346-8B9070CB8833.jpeg.0e5ed6b2bfc6eabb88016c7cf9debca1.jpeg

  13. I am in Montana.  Does Petco count? I buy my aquariums there.  I always get  Fluval “aquariums in a box” because I like the aesthetics, I like modding them, and I prefer to pick up such things in person where we can unbox and check the aquarium in-store.
    For the livestock, 2 weeks ago, I drove 5.5 hours, each way, to Fish World in Spokane, WA to buy my celestial pearl danios, neocaradina shrimp, chili rasboras and some floating plants.  I didn’t want to buy fish online it was down to -20* F.

    I order my plants, ferts, and fish food from Aquarium Co Op.



  14. This is my desktop 5 gallon.  It’s also planted (in this one, the Java fern is doing something odd?  too much light maybe?)


    It’s about the perfect size for what I wanted.B98398B8-FBEE-4153-9FF8-E870E9368A2B.jpeg.62eb0845d2d4c775550f800fd3307b5a.jpeg

    in this one, it is all about baby Chili Rasbora!


    and baby Blue Diamond neos


    I work in criminal law.  I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have my aquariums to stare at and clear my mind.

    This is my home office:


    I wasn’t sure if my art was pg-13 or not, so I redacted it.  That isn’t the CPD tank, that’s the Ember Tetra tank.  The smaller one is my desktop Rasbora/Shrimp tank.

    maybe I have a problem?

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  15. This little 9 gallon is? was? my just finished daydream tank.  I went with 20x Bloody Mary neos, 12 Celestial Pearl Danios and 2 nerite snails.  Yes, that is a heavy stock, but that’s why it’s so heavily planted. 

    Water wisteria, water lettuce (and unfortunate duck weed) along with all the unknown stem plants came from my other tanks, trimmings.  The buce, dwarf sag, buce, and anubias petite nana all came from Aquarium Co Op.

    I strongly recommend you make the daydream a reality!

    the CPD are too excited to hold still for their photo op:

    136AEDB1-1042-4371-B474-63AE306C11FD.jpeg.9f60645c3c5492d670556b261a1b3e80.jpegand Bloody Mary shrimp

    some of the new plants are melting back a bit, but I have faith they will recover just fine.


    I am not sure about the leaves in the front?  Might be sunken floaters?

    If the Nerites and or shrimp haven’t  eaten  them up by morning I will vac them out.  it’s time to purge floaters again anyhow.


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  16. It is a spotted Congo (Tetraodon Schoutedeni)  it is supposed to max out at about 2-3 inches she said.  Thanks for the clarifying questions!  I hope this is enough more to get additional insight.

    I can ask her to send a photo maybe if that’s helpful?

  17. 1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

    225 gallon fresh water goldfish tank.

    2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

    the most I run at once is 5 I love planting and setting up new aquariums.  I love the hobby.  I love experimenting.  I set a hard limit of 5 because I know I wouldn’t have weekly eyes on each if I had more than 5.

    3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

    when I can have 55 gallons again, Madagascar lace plant.

    4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

    Work related travel.  It always blows up some kind of maintenance work I should be handling.  Luckily, all my tanks are super heavily planted so a couple days late with my weekly water change is not likely to cause any problems.

    5.  How often do you test your tank?

    Quarantine: (this is my plant grow out tank when not quarantining a fish) monthly unless it has a resident, then 2x daily (before and after work). New: Daily - Established: every other Sunday.

    6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

    yes.  Last time I used it was for a brine shrimp hatch out Saturday.

    7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

    yes. All my tanks use planted substrate.  I don’t like the initial cloudiness and initial ammonia concerns.

    8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

    light timers.

    9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

    white, and my Betta is a white dumbo Halfmoon.

    10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

    elderly stone and manzanita wood.


    re: Queation 5, above, my quarantine tank (5 gallon Fluval spec) hasn’t been used as a quarantine in ages as I rarely buy fish and I am blessedly disease free.  It is a plants only tank for all my overgrowth.  Last time I had to quarantine (online Betta purchase) I relocated all plants to a 5 gallon bucket for a couple weeks.  Yay for “easy”, floating,  and “low light” plants!  

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