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Posts posted by Hawyun

  1. On 5/7/2023 at 5:28 PM, Patrick_G said:

    Looks like black beard algae to me. It can be tenacious, at one point it covered the edges of just about every Anubis in several of my tanks, but I’ve managed to get rid of it 100%. 

    If I encounter it today I use the reverse respiration technique to clear it off the plants and then follow up by reducing light. Alternatively you could use an a product like Aquarium Co-op Easy Carbon. It contains an algicide that’s effective on black beard algae. It’s not my favorite chemical for long term use. I’ve used an initial to clear existing algae while I figure out what caused it in the first place. 

    Awesome I will look into that. thanks

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/7/2023 at 12:34 PM, PineSong said:

    How long has the tank been set up, and how long are your lights on per day?

    Sometimes stressed/sickly plants will be plagued by algae even in a low-algae-causing environment, but usually algae is caused by too much light or too much of the wrong nutrients in the water.

    I don't mind some algae and never try to eliminate it all, but your photo shows a degree of algae coverage that suggests something is off balance and I would not leave it as-is. Either your fertilizer or your lighting needs changed.

    I would start by following basic info for reducing algae but I would also cut off the leaves that are the most covered with that lumpy black stuff so the plant doesn't have to waste energy trying to fight it.

    Here is some basic info about reducing algae. 


    Thank you all for the information I think I will cut off the worst ones and use peroxide. on the others with a 3% dilution.


  3. On 5/7/2023 at 10:21 AM, navy-tank said:

    It would be helpful to share your lighting schedule, fertilizer schedule, other plants, water parameters, etc...

    Also, it doesn't look that bad. Some algae is healthy. I can't name a stream, river, or pond that doesn't have algae

    I have my light on for 8 hrs a day. Fertilizer is once a week when I do a 25% water change. I add one cap. Prime and stability. I use tap water. Water para's are in the typical.


  4. Lennie,

    Thanks and there is no hurry I enjoy them being little and see them get used to the new tank. funny how fast they acually grow I have a few zebra loaches and all of a sudden they doubled in size. 

    Have a great day and thanks for the reply

    On 2/25/2023 at 1:23 PM, abstractpro said:

    Are you in the Puget sound area of Washington State?

    We are in so. cal riverside area. 


    On 2/25/2023 at 1:26 PM, Birdsnstuff said:

    Pretty - whatever it is.


    Awesome! I agree it is a nice addition to the family.

    • Like 2
  5. Lennie,

    Thanks water is good it only comes out once in a while the other one is just fine. I will try the air bath and see if that works he hasnt eaten or moved around the tank for weeks.

    I feed them pleko waffers and pellets. sometimes they will get a blood worm the other fish dont really bother them.


  6. I have two golden mystery snails and they have grown and have been very active.

    one of them has just stopped moving he / simage.jpeg.4235847a86ca2acb375010fd09208a8c.jpegimage.jpeg.6f560b301514fae34ef7adcbaf935089.jpeghe sticks its antennas out every once in a while or its snorkle but doesnt move the other one is just fine.

    I do weekly water changes and keep the tank clean. I have a sponge filter and a HOB filter 

  7. On 12/18/2022 at 4:44 PM, T. Payne said:

    Any update on the fish? This doesn't look like anything related to giving birth in my opinion.

    It hasnt givin birth yet I am going to start on a salt regime and see what happens


    On 12/18/2022 at 4:55 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    That to me looks like a prolapse. It happens with live bearers because of giving birth. It's basically the colon protruding out. It's not a good sign ever but especially before giving birth rather than after. I usually do not ever recommend moving pregnant live bearers but in this case she needs some salt to help it go back in because soon she will be pushing things out. 

    Here is an article ACO made for using salt for treatment. I recommend going straight to level 3. Maybe increase it throughout the day and not all at once. Platies can tolerate, and even appreciate some salt so level 3 is fine. Like I said, you can start level 1 then several hours later level 2 then several hours later level 3 to be safe but you can bump it up faster than with most other species. 


    Oh and I will add, the salt will not harm the fry. If she does well with it I would just let her birth the fry in the hospital tank. 


    On 12/19/2022 at 12:31 PM, Hawyun said:

    It hasnt givin birth yet I am going to start on a salt regime and see what happens


    I dont have another tank to move her to. I will start witht he salt


  8. Well I did another 25 percent water change and it look alot better.

    i need to get some prime and do it again thanks for the help still a little bit cloudy but much better I think I will let it go for a few days9CBBB72A-E211-43CC-B910-4A1BE8701C72.jpeg.a8ac6dd53f8c2fb0e21e3d81eed74dd2.jpeg

  9. Hello and Happy Thanksgiving!

    I have a twenty gallon freshwater tank with a wisper 10 and a sponge filter with an air stone. My tank started getting cloudy so I syphoned my substrate and changed about 5 gallons water. I use filtered water. my tank is still cloudy. what can be my problem? Nitrates are about 30ppg. ph is about 6.5 I know I should be patient but I was so used to seeing crystle clear water I did rinse my sponge filter with tap water?


    clear water about a week ago.jpg

    cloudy side shot.jpg

    cloudy water.jpg

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