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Mark M

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  1. Hello Everyone, I started fish keeping in the late 90's. Had MTS back then. I have had reef tanks, salt tanks, fresh water community tanks and lastly planted tanks (not all at once). I left the hobby between 2012-15 when my kids were 2 and 4. Once the kids were a little older I introduced the kids into freshwater. They both have been keeping ten gallon tanks for the last few years. Nothing serious or involved. Now that the kids are older we are looking at setting up a fish room. We are interested in breeding and learning new husbandry methods. I am mostly into fresh water Central American and South American fish. Love low tech planted tanks. I hope some day I can attend a fish collecting tour in Peru. I love Aquarium Co-op's YouTube channel. I wish I had that information available to me when I first entered the hobby. I am looking forward to learning new things and participating in this amazing hobby once again. Cheers, Mark
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