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  1. Thank you everyone for the advice, I did the methylene blue Dips for a week and fed Kanaplex, he was healed in about 7 days, still lots of regrowth to go through but the area is healed! I wish I had gone with this regimen at first and not put him through all those other treatments but now I know.
  2. Thank you all for the help! I did a Methalyne Blue dip the other night, it seems to have helped a lot! I am thinking I will do it two- three times a week. If I do the Dips and I feed him Kanaplex and add Ich X to the water or is that too many medications at once? It seems like a lot but I would like to treat both issues at the same time if possible. I cleaned the sponge filter woth hot water and hydrogen peroxide then put it back in the tank si tank os heated and has a sponge filter going.
  3. Ok, see about adding the salt back in. The mold looked much better tonight but I may still wa t to treat with the ich x to completely get rid of it. I did a Methelyne dip tonight, he tolerated it very well
  4. Ok, thank you! I hope his tail grows back, it was so beautiful for a plakat. I will start the dips tonight. Do you have any experience with the mold? I read that Ich medications are good for getting rid of that. It is much improved after clearing out the tank though.
  5. I have been dealing with fin rot that resulted from my Betta biting his tail. Thus has been ongoing since the beginning of September. I was treating this with paraguard Dips and then he contracted popeye. He got much worse, i tried fin and body cure with no results and it actually progressed to body rot, so I got Erythromycin whi h also had no effect. I started dosing with Neoplex, salt and doing hydrogen peroxide swabs per advice from my local fish store. Things stopped progressing but are not getting better. I was also doing 2 gallon water changes daily, replacing lost medications and salt. I got Mellafix but I think he needs a serious medication at this point. After doing some research I finally found out that he has saprolegia on the affected area and that is why nothing has helped. Yesterday I cleaned out his tank, removed the substrate ( I had to treat in his main tank) and cleaned everything with hot water and hydrogen peroxide. I then seeded the clean tank and sponge filter with some media from a healthy tank. I put an Indian almond leaf in last night and he was swimming around like his old self. As of last night there are no meds in the tank, I thought he could use a day off from all the meds. Through all of this he has been eating and not acting very lethargic. I got Ich x to begin treating with today but my question is what to use to treat the underlying infection? The Erythromycin did nothing, as well as the Neoplex. Parameters: (before cleaning out tank) pH-8 Nitrates- >20 Hardness - not sure but it's hard Nitrite- 0 Ammonia- 0 KH/Buffer- not tested Water Temperature 78, heated with preset heater
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