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  1. I only have the Excel because it came with as a pack of the flourish I was recommended. I just put small amounts in since I don’t run any Co2 and it’s just sitting there. I only just picked up on the info of Val’s being sensitive to it, no intentions of continuing. I have almost no algae, even when I tried. As for lighting I have a fluval that fits the tank. I’ve been experimenting with the light level. It’s a little lower than medium right now.
  2. I’ll try some those! I was thinking about just buying some out of that stores 50 and seeing if it’s just me (overpriced though). I’d like to get some tall plants to put in the back corners, maybe I’ll have to get creative or have some nice fake ones.
  3. Hey all! I’m sure this subject is covered well and buried in this forum somewhere so forgive me for my trespasses of asking again. I have very hard water, 8.0 ph and everything maxes out the test strips as far as minerals. I can’t find good city water info online regarding magnesium or anything too specific. I’m trying new plants right now and they are struggling, but they are a week or two placed, so possibly melting. I have Ludwigia that at this point are little vassals of mushy horror. Bottom half of their stems seem solid though, should I just cut off the death? Jungle val that seems to be browning from the bottom and losing it’s long slendies (sorry). Creeping rush that seems alright, some browning. Small Moneywort that seems mostly good besides leaf die off. Dosing ferts twice a week, potassium, excel which might be hurting the vals, significant root tabs to start them off, aquasoil. I used to have Java ferns but they slowly withered. Water spangles died quickly when I got those. Some ferns holding on in a spare 10 gal. However, any Anubias I use does well, maybe a little slow but still very well. Do you guys think that is indicative of a certain deficiency? I don’t have any fish in there currently as I’m letting it balance. Plant overhaul brought in plenty of debris and spiked my cycle a little so there’s fuel there too. From my understanding it has a lot to do with saturation, but my local pet store has some plants, including jungle Val that seem fine? Maybe a little thin on leaves. The woman I talked to said she just sometimes adds flourish when she thinks they look a little down lol it’s a 50 gal with one betta in there so I’m not sure what to tell you about that. Thanks for reading! Phone won’t let me add pictures so it turned into more writing.
  4. Hey everyone! I will preface by saying I’m a noob and I set up my first 20 gallon, 5-6 weeks old. Hard water, 300ish GH, 280 KH, 8 ph, 0; chlorine, ammonia, nitrites, 5ish nitrates as of now. Some top fin light/hood combo, I got it with the tank. No CO2. When I started cycling, put in 4 small Java fern and one bacopa c. and put in a regular dose of ferts. Bacopa turned brown and died within 3 days. Javas were hanging in there but got some brown spots around the tips and edges. When I added 1 betta and snails I added 2 mini Anubias kirins, 1 anubias gold coin and water spangles. It’s been about 2 weeks since then and the tips of my javas are brown and crispy and have a bunch of babies hanging on them, a couple stray holes. Kirins seem mostly fine, maybe a few lighter leaves, one gold coin leaf had some brown damage and yellow on it and the water spangles got smacked when I set the timer incorrectly and no light over a weekend. There is some new little pods that are green and shiny but most the big ones are mostly brown. For the last week I’ve been dosing potassium and a little iron. I’m alternating between 75% dose ez green and flourish; ez on Tuesday, flourish on Saturday. Potassium each time, iron once. I also moved my light/hood up 6 inches. Moved down light time to 8 hours but some algae would be nice for the snails. Is there anything else I should be doing? I’m not expecting instant results but I don’t want anymore landslides of plant death. Also should I just remove the brown spangles and cut any other leaves to save nutrients? I feel like I’m dosing quite a lot and don’t want to overdo it, but I want to get ahead of it. Sorry for the paragraph. I just wanted to pack as much info as I could. I’m having fun experimenting and learning but when a plant dies so fast it’s hard to test anything. Thank you so much for your time!
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