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  1. How many days should I do the bath for? @Colu, I saw that you commented on another post in April, I was wondering if you have any insight on this. I saw that you recommended five days of baths. Is that safe with Plecos?
  2. Is this what prolapse looks like? Haven’t seen him for awhile but two days ago I noticed this bubble by his stomach. He looks a bit bloated. What can I do to help him? Or should I leave him be? His diet mainly consists of algae wafers, with occasional veggies. He also has a huge piece of wood. Should I fast him?
  3. @Colu, is there a max time frame for aquarium salt or continue to use it as long as you use the ich x. Also for the ich x, max time frame until I should stop dosing? I think I read that someone had to use it for 2-3 weeks for results. Sound right?
  4. @colu, is aquarium salt ok for Cory’s and a bristlenose pleco? I’ve read varying opinions.
  5. @Colu, I did a round of kanaplex and the white dots are still there. Now my angelfish and bolivian ram have them. The white dots are white, almost translucent on the angelfish and only on the fins. None of the dots are raised. What do you think I should do? updated visuals: https://imgur.com/a/bKQzv6h
  6. @Colu The Danio is not eating. I'm on day 5 of ich-x with no change. Assuming it has epistylis, should I stop the ich-x, do a water change, and use Kanaplex in the water tonight? i also have paraguard
  7. @Colu, thank you for this. TBH, even with the chart I still can't tell because he's such a little guy. How many days would you continue with Ich-x until changing to lower temps and Kanaplex? Is Kanaplex ok with corys? Is Kanaplex right after ich x ok? With Epistylis, do I need to vacuum gravel everyday?
  8. https://imgur.com/a/2j0e7y0 I've never looked as closely at my leopard danio as I did last Thursday so I have no idea if these are new. I saw these white spots on it's tail and I think they are on its pectoral fins. Out of the 16-18 fish in my tank, the only ones who have these white spots are my two blue leopard danios (one has more than the other). The Friday after I noticed these spots, nothing changed, they didn't get any worse or any better. I increased the temp to 81.7-82(I'm not sure if I can go up anymore because I have bolivian rams, corys), started Ich-x, and gravel vacuum everyday. The spots are still the same. Do you think I'm dealing with Ich?
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