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  1. ME?? IM surprised CORY SIR hasn't run the test himself....Didn't he test them... I HOPE he let's us know what's what.... Maybe THE people who make them know....
  2. What is YOUR FAVORITE fish food.... ME?...my fish look great with the bug bites color enhancing pellets
  3. YES....after in store they told they are fine...when they are not working... ohh well....almost time to order more FERT!!!!!
  4. Hello...I'm Tom...I like all fish but learning from YouTube CORY how to add plants like anubus!
  5. Myself I love many of the aquarium coop cory brand items...food....fertilizer...the strips seem inaccurate when I use them...I asked one time...said they worked fine....well well...Back to API I guess.... !!!STILL LOVE THE FERTILIZER AND FOOD CORY SIR!!!
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