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The Doug

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  1. @nabokovfan87 the room is the same it has alway been he is the showpiece of my shop I do upholstery and there is a considerable amount of traffic and he has grown up around the ppl in the shop seeing everything go on so I’m not to press to believe it’s due to a change in environment I can note during this period of him acting strange I cut back the pogo to give him more space basically removed it all
  2. Here is basically how he is acting it’s not normal he is using peppy and lively happy to see like a puppy. @nabokovfan87 @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Fish Folk @Colu
  3. @mountaintoppufferkeeper@nabokovfan87 @Fish Folk im having issues uploading video from my phone but he has spent most of his time laying in this corner or on the plants at the far end of the tank there is a slight redness on his lips like where I suspect he hit the tank … I came out this morning and he wasn’t like happy to see me like usual ( been This way since he smacked glass) every now and again he swims around but it’s seems like something is off with him.. thanks for the comments and help
  4. I’ve had clepus for almost a year now I did several medical treatments in the beginning of mine and his relationship together and everything has been great until about 4 days ago when he spooked randomly and he swam into the glass since he hit the tank he hasn’t been acting right he won’t eat and when he swims around it’s is less cautious of the plants I don’t know what to do I’ve added salt I’ve checked all parameters everything is normal for his tank… please help!!!
  5. I’ve had clepus for almost a year now I did several medical treatments in the beginning of mine and his relationship together and everything has been great until about 4 days ago when he spooked randomly and he swam into the glass since he hit the tank he hasn’t been acting right he won’t eat and when he swims around it’s is less cautious of the plants I don’t know what to do I’ve added salt I’ve checked all parameters everything is normal for his tank… please help!!!
  6. Can u use prazipro after using api gen cure? Do they mesh ?
  7. @AnimalNerd98 I have no real reason for the change other than to do something different I suppose I’ve heard Mbu puffer are highly sensitive to nitrates so possibly I need more research on my end but I’m going for big picture I suppose .. i could potentially increase ferts going into the tank also my plants have all grown maybe they need more but I struggle getting over 10 and if I go over a week the tank is noticeably dirtier than weekly (overfeed for baby’s in tank )
  8. I don’t even know where to begin… okay so If I have a 240gal planned tank full of Val loaded with guppies and small tetras (tank size 49x29x39) would It be more beneficial to switch to daily water changes when I already have a solid weekly schedule? (Also keep in mind I’m wanting to put a Mbu in for his grow out tank ) and if switching to daily water change should I automatically dose fertilizer each day? This is where I get confused also I have a 55 gal sump and 55gal reserve if that helps never test over 10 ppm nitrate end of week. I could just use some input
  9. I just recently planted Val in my 120 that I bought from aquarium co-op but today I saw a random seed sitting on the substrate and I’m a bit confused on what it could possibly be? Val seed?? Please help
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