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  1. Does anyone have any suggestions for me... I have 2 betta tanks, with live plants in both of them. When I set up Luna's tank I had anubias on the rocks, water sprite, cryptocoyrne, and pogostemon octopus. After the tank was cycled and established I got some water spangles as floaters. I had made sure that the plants that I had chosen were good for low light. Over the past 2 months all the plants have died except for the water spangle floaters and the anubias. In "You Know Who's" tank his has anubias, pogostemon octopus, and I have transfered water spangles from Luna's tank. The water spangles in his tank are not growing and slowly die. But all the other plants are thriving. I do use seachem flourish weekly in both tanks. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be happening? My water parameters are the same: pH, nitrates. I feel bad that Luna's tank is so bare, I'm considering getting him some silk plants so that there's at least something in there. But I really want to fill it up with live plants like my other 2 tanks.
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