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Posts posted by Theplatymaster

  1. On 3/22/2023 at 10:21 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    Added moss to terrarium- is it safe to collect moss in the woods if you give it the Reverse Respiration treatment @Guppysnail? Did you test the method on non-aquarium pathogens? Reverse Respiration has probably helped me so much over the previous months, so thanks!😁

    i dont for the stuff i convert. my idea is that the moss survives the submerging process, and everything else doesnt. Ive had no issues doing it this way.

  2. On 3/22/2023 at 9:52 AM, JettsPapa said:

    If the tank is well seasoned you shouldn't need to feed at all, but if you want to anyway it should be a very small amount.

    its not super cycled, but i can squeeze out some dirty sponge into it to seed it better.

  3. On 3/22/2023 at 9:30 AM, JettsPapa said:

    I also agree that in a well seasoned tank you shouldn't need to target feed six shrimp.  The most likely result of that would be increasing the snail population, or decreasing the water quality (or both).


    On 3/22/2023 at 6:31 AM, Procrypsis said:

    With 6 shrimp in the tank you should not be feeding them much at all - they prefer algae and detritus, fish food fouls the water if uneaten food is not removed within a few hours.

    so i shouldnt feed?

    or just feed very small amounts?

  4. On 3/22/2023 at 7:04 AM, Cinnebuns said:

    There's still less food for them overall. Shrimp require foraging all day long not eating a few meals. 

    is there now a good way to get rid of the snails?

    they are pretty much the entertainment of the tank now that all the shrimp are dead.

  5. On 3/22/2023 at 6:26 AM, Cinnebuns said:

    I would never keep shrimp with pest snails tbh. They compete for the same food and the shrimp are easily out competed. That's what my guess is what's going on. I have 1 nerite snail in mine but they don't compete the same. 

    ive seen the shrimp eating, and they are faster then the snails.

    On 3/22/2023 at 6:31 AM, Procrypsis said:

    2.5 gallon tank is way too small in my opnion.

    Shrimp do not like water quality changes and with a 2.5 gallon, it is hard to keep water quality stable.  

    after cycling, there were no water quality issues due to all the plants.

  6. On 3/21/2023 at 7:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I’m sorry you are having a rough time. Try feeding some fine powdered foods for variety. Also, baby shrimp stay where they hatch out at for a while so they need to have access to food wherever they are and if your Snails are heavily populated, they could be eating too much of the food.  

    we started with 6, and only decreased in population.

    On 3/21/2023 at 8:50 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Based on your parameters, looks like it’s cycled. Do you have some mosses, plants, and wood for them to pick at? 

    yep! some wood, tons of random plants (hornwort,anarchis,PSO,anubias java fern), and not that much moss though...

  7. On 3/21/2023 at 7:44 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    The shallow boy is breathing CO2. What a chore. So, I guess I'm testing how a horizontal CO2 reactor works. The gentleman that came up with the design, created a CO2 spray bar and it works off the same principle. The only difference is the Horizontal Reactor isn't visible. Hopefully the horizontal Reactor works and works just as well. 

    Here's the link if you are curious how it works. I went to Ace Hardware, so total cost was about 25 bucks.


    And here's his CO2 spray bar.


    This is a genius if this works.

    Here's some pictures of my instillation.



    how does this work?

    is it like a bubble bar but for C02?

  8. On 3/21/2023 at 7:49 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Very hard to say just 3. Each of my tanks eat different sizes at different Levels. None of my fish really like any flake food and quite a few won’t even eat flake. Also some of mine don’t eat commercial food at all only live food. They don’t even eat frozen. 

    i apologize then.

    you are not really the target audience of this question, having many tanks of many different species.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 3/21/2023 at 7:31 PM, Lennie said:

    Well, that was my last try to help you kindly to be honest. I had to see this coming from your previous messages whenever I tried to help you before.

    Anyway, goodluck dude

    im not saying you are wrong, im just saying i disagree.

    and am i a little stubborn, yes.

    Do you probably know more then me in this field, yes.

    Can we all make daily snellos and constantly feed veggies, no.

    In my opinion, im doing the BEST with what i have, and its not perfect, but due to my budget, its pretty good.

  10. I lost a platy 😞...

    i dont really feel emotional about losing platies anymore, because i have so many.

    I think she died giving birth, ive had another similar death before in platies.

    This platy will go out in the fish water, hopefully bring more life into this world though its death.

    Unrelated my moss testing is going VERY well, im suprised based on the time it is taking ( a few days at the fastest) and the process that it is.

    • Sad 1
  11. On 3/21/2023 at 7:27 PM, Lennie said:

    Don't get this as a negative thing but I would encourage feeding more veggie content more often. And zucchini is not that rich in nutritions. 

    I give snello to my snails once every two days which includes calcium, protein, and pumpkin, collard greens, a lil bit spinach cause oxalytes block calcium intake, carrot, and green beans with algae mixed in. Every other day, they get a blanched veggie if they are not receiving snello that day. Mine don't like broccoli and stuff so I eliminated them from my recipe otherwise they don't eat their snello.

    I personally find it the best to freeze some of the veggies when we happen to buy any to home, and feed them just by grabbing a leaf or a cube of pumpkin etc from the freezer. It makes everything super easy, highly recommended.


    ill do me, you can do you.

  12. On 3/21/2023 at 7:17 PM, Katherine said:

    I have somehow ended up with no eggs. Maybe I lucked into all males? Seems unlikely since I've had 8 nerites, including 6 currently. 

    i used to fine eggs all the time, now i barely find them, what happened in between?

    the nerite go a lot more shy. probably due to a platy population boom.

  13. On 3/21/2023 at 7:03 PM, Jeffrey Co said:

    I have ordered Dr Tim's One and Only and have been putting Seachem Stability along with the 50 percent change in water daily to get the Nitrite down.  I really hope things would normalize soon.  It's so sad seeing fish die so quickly.

    the effectiveness of liquid bacteria prodcuts is a disscussion for another thread.

    I am just of the opinion that getting the bacteria active, from a cycled tank, is better then getting it dormant from a bottle.

    Also low PH is probably caused by all the water changes, if your source water is acidic, also aerated water slowly becomes more alkaline, so lots of water changes can change that.

  14. On 3/21/2023 at 7:05 PM, Lennie said:

    Pea protein is the first ingredient, followed by fish meal second. This is not really a veggie food, this is a protein food tbf. As a vegan, I use pea protein a lot. It is most commonly used product as a dust in vegan protein shakes for muscle building, as well as in foods as a meat substitude. Hikari crab cuisine has some calcium but it is protein rich food again. Snails don't need this many proteins but mainly a snello/veggies. I think 3 food is limiting all alone for snails but that is again my personal opinion.

    my snails get zucchini weekly at this point.


  15. On 3/21/2023 at 6:55 PM, Jeffrey Co said:

    But the nitrites prior to me adding the medication were all zero.  It's been zero (good numbers) for years.  It was after using the medications that I suddenly saw the Nitries spike up.   Is that possible?  I am thinking the medication killed the beneficial bacteria.

    completely possible. some meds can kill bacteria, i suggest getting some more going.

  16. On 3/21/2023 at 6:42 PM, Lennie said:

    It is the morning food of everyone in my tanks 😄

    Their evening meal changes everyday based on the tank and fish/snails/shrimp in it

    i used to have a feeding schedule, it has fallen apart due to me running out of foods.

    I will buy new ones, and then start ONLY using the 3 foods on my list, so i can uphold a feeding rotation, and foods wont go bad.

    with this exception of the occasional live BBS.

  17. On 3/21/2023 at 6:38 PM, Tommy Vercetti said:

    If you have nitrites, your tank is not cycled. That may take a couple of weeks for the beneficial bacteria to catch up to the nitrite load that has been introduced to the aquarium. Keep those water changes daily because 5ppm is really high. To high for seachem prime to neutralize.

    oh, yeah, that could do it.

    @Jeffrey Co if you have one, i suggest going to your LFS and asking if they sell established media or gravel to get bacteria.

    You could also use a liquid product like Fritz Zyme 7.

    A plant in rockwool could also get bacteria, rockwool is a great bacteria area.

    you can add this bacteria to your tank in many ways.

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