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Everything posted by Brandxn

  1. Just bought some Peacock Gobies and I know they’re picky eaters so I got some blood worms for them and the other fish in the tank. Problem is the worms are a bit larger than I thought and the fish are having a hard time eating them and being able to swallow them. What other foods would be better/smaller for them. If possible I’d like to start getting away from flake because frozen foods are better, correct me if I’m wrong. Would brine shrimp or daphnia be better? Thanks again
  2. UPDATE: I went to my fish store and found something they’ve never had and that I’ve never seen before. I got 5 Peacock Gudgeon. They are amazing with so much color they’ll pop in my planted aquarium. Thank you all for your suggestions. Getting a beta and adding more neons seemed like the way I was going until I saw these amazing fish. If you have any information about these fish please let me know. I read that they can be picky eaters but that’s about it.
  3. I’ve thought about that but I’m worried the beta would be too aggressive unless you know a way to avoid it. I love the green orcid betas.
  4. Apistogramma’s are nice, are they the Blue Rams? Would they be ok in the same water parameters with the other fish? (75 degrees, 7-7.4 PH) Also how many would I be able to keep together and will they nip at the shrimp or other fish I have in the tank? Sorry for all the questions I’m new to learning what fish are good with what and the species.
  5. I have a 20G planted aquarium with 8 neons, 4 panda cory’s, 4 Otos and some Nerite snails and Amano shrimp. I really want another group of fish to complement the neons in the middle to top part of the tank but really struggling to find something. I’d like something a bit larger than a neon that can live in the same parameters that isn’t boring like a Molly but something that I might be able to find at a Petco/PetSmart that I can get 2-4 of. I’m in Arkansas and they’re aren’t many other fish stores around me. What would you guys recommend or have in your own tank?
  6. Just a quick question guys. My gravel vac is lacking on its power. When I see people gravel vac I see that the gravel lifts and it’s tossed around in the tube with powerful suction. Mine on the other hand barely has enough power to suck loose things in the water column. Nothing is clogging it either. Do I just need to buy a new one?
  7. I’d like to surprise and upgrade my girlfriends beta tank to have real plants and be more beneficial for her beta fish Boba. I was wondering what plants would be good for it. He/she is in a 10 gallon tank. Also I was gonna leave the original TopFin filter on it just to save money and just rinse out he media. Would that be a problem?
  8. Came back from vacation and my tank was being taken over by what I think is green hair algae, correct me if I’m wrong. I have 3 snails and 4 Ottos to help in the 20 gallon but they aren’t helping. I was wondering what eats this kind of algae to keep it down. It’s all over the plants and walls. I’ve thought about shrimp but don’t know anything about them and heard they’re sensitive to water. But would love to have some. Please help.
  9. When I was setting up my tank I got a bunch of random plants from Petco and PetSmart to start my first planted aquarium. So I have no idea what kind of plants I have because I just didn’t pay attention. But this red one I got grew a lot then kind of stopped and now starting to develop holes in its leaf’s. I have Ottos and snails to help to keep the algae off but they haven’t been helping recently. I was wondering if you guys can help me identify the plant and why it’s leaf’s are starting to develop holes in them. I’d assume it would be from the fish if they were trying to keep the algae off but as you can see they don’t.
  10. I recently came back from vacation to my 20 gallon being taken over by what I assume is green hair algae. I’ve cleaned and removed it the best I could about 3-4 weeks ago but it’s come back. I have 5 Ottos and 3 snails that don’t help clean it up. What can I add to my tank to prevent this that would be good in a 20 gallon tank? Assuming it’s hair algae.
  11. I started running an air stone in my tank for a couple days after hearing that it’s good for the tank and introduces O2 into the water for the fish. Along with splashing water all over the cover lol. I was wondering what the other benefits of running an air stone in the tank are.
  12. I recently got some Panda Cory’s and after they settled down I noticed that some of their fins look mangled. Also their bodies look pale and foggy. I read that when they’re stressed they could look pale so not too concerned about that since they’re calm and digging around in the sand. What do you guys suggest to do about their fins? I tried to take the best pictures for you guys to look at. Could be fin rot or could it be them being picked on at the fish store?
  13. I have 6 Ottos in a 20 gallon tank that had some brown hair algae and some of what I think is green algae. They absolutely obliterated the brown hair algae but they won’t even come close to eating the green algae that’s growing all over the plants. Do they just not eat green algae or is it another type of algae and if so how do I get rid of it? Attached are some pictures of the tank.
  14. Any change in food or water chemicals?
  15. @xXInkedPhoenixX How often would the Otos need a algae wafer? And would my current tank temperature at 76 be ok for them?
  16. @nabokovfan87I’m looking at getting either peppered or panda cory’s. I’d like to have maybe 5 corys and 5 otos. And right now the tank temperature stays around 76. And the tank has plenty or algae growth everywhere along with the natural plants for them to hide/explore. Do you think 5 Cory’s and 5 otos would be fine?
  17. I have a 20 Gallon tank. Will Cory’s and Otos be good together? And how many can I have with them being in a big enough social group?
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