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mom's betta

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My mom is getting into the hobby with a betta fish! We haven't gotten the fish yet but we are setting up the tank. I am helping her get started with aquatic plants.

5.5 gallon tank | 10 gallon Hang on the Back filter | LED lights, moderate lighting || dirted with DIY substrate mix (native clay, decayed leaf humus, sand, compost, forest products) and capped with mixed sand || river rock hardscape 

plants to be added: pogostemon stellatus 'octopus', and a couple crypts! Maybe a carpeting plant, considering trying monte carlo or something similar. No CO2. Will add some floaters - thinking riccia, dwarf water lettuce, and duckweed!

Anubias has been added. May add java ferns later once I get some more plantlets. Doing a dry start: never done this method but I am experimenting :] currently propagating some more ludwigia via the dry start but that is for my 30 gallon lol



dry start.jpg

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ludwigia is growing super fast.

Bladder snails are somehow already in this tank. They are fine for now but if they get out of control I will have to cull 😞 

also noticed some little microfaunas! Either moina or daphnia. awesome!!!

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