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CPO Dwarf Crayfish Issue


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I have a CPO that is laying on its back looking dead but when i go to grab it, it kicks its feet and is very much alive. I put her right side up but she managed to flip onto her back within a few minutes and remains motionless unless I try to touch her.

I assume she is dying but was wondering if anyone had any idea what is happening so that I might save my other CPO from the same fate? Or maybe I can even save her.

I have Neocardina in the tank and they are molting just fine so I'd be shocked if it were a molting issue.


temp:78-80 F

PH: 7.5

Amonnia and Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 15 ppm

GH/KH: both fairly high but not sure of a number.

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