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Bucephalandra Help

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Anyone know what's up with this buce? It's in a 5.5 gallon on miracle grow soil under a 10 watt 2 foot led. Seems to be growing well, for a variegated buce anyway, but the yellowing on the older leaves is concerning. The buce behind it is growing very well, but experiencing the same issue.

Possibly relevant info- I got these about 7 weeks ago from a high tech tank, not sure if they were getting full light or shaded in that setup. I moved a couple of those hydroton balls to check out the rhizome and roots.  All looks good, nice and green, new root growth is white.  They get a light spray with a pretty dilute fertilizer solution, mostly N and K, a tiny bit of P, about once per week or two.  The rest of the time they get sprayed with RO water to keep up the humidity.  

Any other info or pics needed let me know.  Questions, comments, wild theories, vicious personal attacks, all welcome. 🙂20240826_163238.jpg.700d6288b431ac2281c9cb3657d5be5f.jpg



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As far as I can tell you're experiencing the moving fever of bucephalandras.
They can experience "melting" when moved to a new tank, especially if they're used to different lighting conditions. This is a natural so it should take some to fix itself

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Posted (edited)

That'd be nice if that was it, assuming they don't melt completely. As long as they're growing, it's easy to do nothing and see. 

These are the first Bucephalandra I've had, so I'm inexperienced with them. 

Anyone got an ID for the one in back?

Edited by Woowala
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