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Betta in new tank

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I put a new vibrant, and very very active betta in my 10gal planted which I setup two months ago. As far as I know, it has no diseases and the black areas near it's gills are just it's coloration. It is breathing very fast, and I have a sponge filter with an airstone. Although, only about 1/3 of the aquarium's surface is getting surface agitation due to floating water sprite and red root floaters at the surface. Should I trim back the water sprite and remove some floaters for about half surface agitation? It is also staying for the most part by the sponge filter sleeping as far as I know, but also with a fast breathing rate. I also dimmed the lights, dimmer than in the picture. Is this like, an oxygen problem or just stress, or a combination? The tank is cycled and water parameters are almost the exact same as when I got him, (only difference being a 0 to 80-120ppm buffer jump, slightly different pH). I added tank water slowly to the cup, while acclimating the cup above the water level in the aquarium for ~13-16 minutes, then net the betta in there. I then swam around, and colors brightened. It was also on about a 40 minute semi-bumpy car ride, could that contribute too? I have not fed it and am not going to attempt to till at least another 24h, it's been about a hour since I put it in there, it has mainly been flaring at it's reflection and is now hiding in a darker spot. Should I dose any stress guard? What should I do, or am I just too paranoid? Lights turn off in 1h 30m from now, and are dimmed with shady spots.


The day before I got my betta (since I didn't know I was gonna get a betta today(I have everything I need) but my family convinced me) I put 10ml of liquid carbon (double dosing) into my tank after a maintenance session hoping to kill more algae, and about a hour ago I changed out 3/10 gal of water (30%) water change, is  that okay, or should I do another water change?



Edited by Jayden Gomez
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I don't think you really need to worry about the algaecide. Another water change wouldn't hurt, but you could just leave it. That's what I would do.

Remember that bettas are labyrinth fish. That is one of the main things that makes them beginner friendly - they can tolerate low-oxygenated waters! Additionally, I am sure you know, but airstones don't directly oxygenate the water; as in, they don't "pump" oxygen into the water. The movement just stimulates gas exchanges, primarily by agitating the surface of the water. So, if you wanted to add more oxygen, you could remove the floater -- but again, bettas are okay in low oxygenated waters and a strong flow isn't really necessary, nor is it preferred.

Your fish is probably just stressed. 40 minute bumpy car ride is stressful! Not that it is your fault, but try to empathize with your fishie. They're in a new environment and they gotta check it out. They could naturally have a shy personality too. Try not to jump to "omg my fish is gonna die" thoughts. You are much more prepared than most betta owners and bettas are very hardy. Try not to stress.

That being said, have airstones and aquarium salt on hand in case you see any other symptoms of disease or sickness. However, this does probably just seem like a nervous, shy, probably a little scared fish. I'm sure he will warm up soon. My advice would to leave the aquarium alone as much as you can right now. Observe his behavior and only add salt or do water changes or whatnot if he shows signs of sickness. If your fish is scared, which is what I believe is going on, moving stuff around, trimming plants, adding salts or chemicals etc, will just scare him more. Fear and stress is very deadly in fishes!

You're doing a great job, really! Try not to worry, ok?! Feel free to reach out with more concerns. There are many great people on this forum willing to help.

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