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What type of Algae is this?

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Thank you JoeQ. That was my concern. I am looking into Fritz Slime Out and Ultra Life Reef to remove it. They are both recommended. Do you have a preference? THanks. 

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Posted (edited)
On 8/21/2024 at 11:20 AM, JoeQ said:

I do not use medication, this (along with most aquarium problems) is a water quality/ ecosystem issue. 

Do you have any non medication recommendations? I do weekly 50-60 % water changes and vac the substrate. I also scrub the ornaments in the tank and thoroughly clean the filter.  I test the water for parameters almost daily. Not sure what else to do. All the parameters are in line. I use a Sera Aqua Test Kit. Thanks. 

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I would look for dead spots in the flow. Adding additional aeration is always helpful IMO. I'd also say critters to disturb the substrate help, but with you gravel vacuuming I would think that was covered. 

Also think water temp, if you are going through hot  temps where you live take precautions to keep your aquarium water cool. Colder water holds more oxygen which is good for benifical bacteria. BGA thrives in poorly oxygenated (warm) , slow moving waters. This is usually places where debris windup collecting. 

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Thanks JoeQ. Good ideas. I will turn up my aerator at night when I am not running the CO2. Water temp could be a factor. My heater is set at 79 but usually doesn't stay there long and cycles back down to 78.1 before it turns back on again. Oscar likes the warmer temps because he sits on the heater suction cup when the heater turns on.  I definitely have slow moving waters too. Will have to figure that out. Its tricky with a betta, as you know they do not like flow especially moderate flow. I continually turn my Aqua Clear flow rate down to minimum because it tosses him around and he has a hard time swimming through it. Thanks for the Ideas. I will try a combination of your ideas. Thanks. 

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As I reread I noticed you scrub decorations. Do this only with tank water, never use tap or cleaners/peroxide!! Decorations are loaded with good bacteria that you don't want to destroy. Your layout might also be causing water flow issues. 

Edited by JoeQ
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Yes, thanks. I only use treated water that I fill the tank with to clean the filter and decorations or anything else I put in the tank. Never chlorinated tap water or cleaners. Yes, the layout is definitely part of the problem I think. I will probably need to rearrange. Thanks again!!

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I have honey gouramis and an angelfish so direct flow reduction is usually required. When I had a HOB I use to put a pre-filter sponge on the lip of the outflow. This allows you to turn up the flow rate without blowing your poor betta around. 

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Yes and good idea with the sponge. I currently have a 50 micron polishing sheet on top of the flow spout and it touches the waterline to slow the flow but its still a little too strong. Maybe the sponge will work better. Thanks!!!

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Posted (edited)
On 8/21/2024 at 12:10 PM, JoeQ said:

I have honey gouramis and an angelfish so direct flow reduction is usually required. When I had a HOB I use to put a pre-filter sponge on the lip of the outflow. This allows you to turn up the flow rate without blowing your poor betta around. 

Also, I am considering a micro wave maker, at a low setting. Not exactly sure where to put it though, maybe the low flow side with the UV Sterilizer and bubbler and CO2 diffuser and aim across to the other side of the tank towards the filter.  Or mount on the backside glass and slightly aim towards the low flow side., create a clockwise flow in the tank and is helping the same direction of the filter outflow. 



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Im not that big on power heads/wave makers. I don't think for the space they take up they add enough value. I am big on these tho.


For 20 bucks you get both an adjustable powerhead (which is easily defused) and a skimmer!

I try to keep a counter clock wise(ish) flow.


This tank is being rescapped so you'll have to excuse the mess!



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Posted (edited)
On 8/21/2024 at 1:34 PM, JoeQ said:

Im not that big on power heads/wave makers. I don't think for the space they take up they add enough value. I am big on these tho.


For 20 bucks you get both an adjustable powerhead (which is easily defused) and a skimmer!

I try to keep a counter clock wise(ish) flow.


This tank is being recapped so you'll have to excuse the mess!



Wow, awesome tank! Great looking healthy plants!!

Is that a Aquatop 65 GPH Internal surface skimmer? I like it if so. I may try that first. Thanks!!

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Thanks for the tank compliment but they have seen better days. The summer probably wasn't the best time to do the box filter experiment which needs much more maintenance IMO, than I could provide; especially on the 36g.......

As for the Skimmer yes its the Aquastop one. Even with the bad suction cups (mentioned in the reviews) its still better than the Ehime one that is available at petsmart.

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Could of fooled me. The tank looks great. I am considering an upgrade to a 32Gal tank. 


Great, I will get the Aquastop one and maybe replace the suction cups with better ones. Thanks again!!

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