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Grow out tubs

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I've been considering setting up some medium sized plastic containers as grow out tubs for Anubias and perhaps some crypts. I'm finding contradicting info, as far as whether or not to use soil. It's hard to argue with these results from Widquatics:

If I'm getting potted Anubias, do I just remove the rockwool and plant in soil or can they grow just as well in their pots? I'm considering following his advice for a diluted fertilizer spray. I'm wondering if anyone can share their grow out setup ideas and pics if possible. Thanks! 

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I didn't watch the video, but this is what I do.  I'm not trying to maximize things- I like growing and hate selling, so my setup could be better, but this requires almost no work.  I plant in miracle grow soil, pretty much just set them on top of the soil, and once a month or so I open them up, take a pic with my phone, and spray with a dilute fert solution (I use general hydroponics cuz that's what I have on hand and it's cheap, 1mL/L nitrogen and 1mL/L potassium).  I could probably dial in the fertilizer better but I'd rather spend time on fish. I don't bother with cutting ventilation holes.  If you see mold you might want to do that and/or get some springtails but you'll have to keep an eye on the humidity.  I've tried them with just ferts on an inert medium like hydroton or lava rock but it was more maintenance with little growth difference.  When they fill in the shoebox I chop em up and make a new box or two.

For lights I use these- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VBGMXP8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

but I'm sure anything that's not too bright will work fine.





the moss is just some sphagnum that I grew from some dry stuff you get at home depot or wherever, just for fun.


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On 8/9/2024 at 8:40 PM, Woowala said:

I didn't watch the video, but this is what I do.  I'm not trying to maximize things- I like growing and hate selling, so my setup could be better, but this requires almost no work.  I plant in miracle grow soil, pretty much just set them on top of the soil, and once a month or so I open them up, take a pic with my phone, and spray with a dilute fert solution (I use general hydroponics cuz that's what I have on hand and it's cheap, 1mL/L nitrogen and 1mL/L potassium).  I could probably dial in the fertilizer better but I'd rather spend time on fish. I don't bother with cutting ventilation holes.  If you see mold you might want to do that and/or get some springtails but you'll have to keep an eye on the humidity.  I've tried them with just ferts on an inert medium like hydroton or lava rock but it was more maintenance with little growth difference.  When they fill in the shoebox I chop em up and make a new box or two.

For lights I use these- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VBGMXP8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

but I'm sure anything that's not too bright will work fine.





the moss is just some sphagnum that I grew from some dry stuff you get at home depot or wherever, just for fun.


Your Anubias look amazing!  Have you experienced any Anubias rot? I know that was a big problem in the hobby recently. 

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Thanks 🙂

I have not.  Honestly I've found them to be extremely durable, from getting hot to almost drying out they've been fine.  I did watch one of that guy's videos on the ebb and flow system cuz I'm a sucker for that kind of thing (in theory, not in practice) and all the algae he got on them convinced me that fully emersed and benign neglect was the way to go.

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