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Experimental hybrid fertilized dirted tank with sand cap and a UGF. 50 gallons, heavily planted.

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So I got my infusoria cultures going.  A little bit of everything, the big jar on the left has a lot of different worms as well as amphipods, the one on the right is pretty heavy on copepods, daphnia, and seed shrimp.    I got a little foam water gun for like a dollar, and ripped the foam off; inside is a big plastic syringe that is just perfect for transferring water and organisms between containers.  You just suck 'em up and squirt 'em out! 😄

Then I added that to my fish tank.  About 80% of the little spots in the close-up pictures are alive and swimming.  The rest is just detritus, mulm, and a bit of algae.  Into the tank it went, and checking back in a couple days later, my water was nice and clear and my fish are thriving, but now I can see copepods swimming around in the frogbit.  Success! 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Tank update: everything is thriving.  Fish are healthy and active, shrimp are breeding, plants are big and green.  

I bought more chili's and to my delight, a bunch came out of hiding and now school around the tank in a happy, red cloud.  There must be 30+ now (haven't kept track, impossible to count.)

Also I finally bit the bullet and bought 20 neon tetras.  My LFS has a big tank with 2000+ for the last two months, that have been doing great the whole time.  They use tap water same as mine, so I was delighted to see tge hardness wasn't going to be an issue.  Released them today, they look FANTASTIC schooling around with the other fish in the blackwater tannin jungle. Will post pics in a couple days. 

Everybody is getting along swimmingly,! 

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On 7/4/2024 at 6:17 AM, daggaz said:



Glad to see I'm not the only one with a bunch of little eyedroppers, airline, and random containers of murky water lol


On 7/13/2024 at 9:00 AM, daggaz said:

Also I finally bit the bullet and bought 20 neon tetras.

That's an awesome school of them

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