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CO2 indicator solution toxic?

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Is the CO2 solution (4dKH) in a drop checker toxic to fish or plants for a 10 gal tank? I just noticed it fell off the side of the aquarium and emptied its contents. The PH is 7.4-7.6 before the accident.  😞


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I have no idea if it is harmful and at what dosage it would be harmful, but I have had similar accidents myself from time to time in a 20 and 29 gallon tank and never perceived any ill effects to the fish or plants.

When it has happened I have fished it out, cleaned it up, refilled and replaced…


the 4 dkh solution is mostly distilled water, a tiny amount of baking soda and 3-4 drops of ph indicator solution in 5 mls of solution.  So in essence it is no worse than adding 3-4 drops of ph indicator solution in the tank…

I dont make a habit of it, but have never felt the need to do a deep water change after an oops.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you Pepere! I am going to a larger rimless tank so I can use the hang over side CO2 dropper, which is out of the water.

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