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What would be the best way to keep multiple Kribensis with minimal aggression?

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Just to refer back to the Krib again I tried keeping a pair and the female killed to males, so I thought I'd try a female she killed that.  She is so aggressive that everything else kept hidden. She would tip corys to get their eggs so I lost a couple of those to her as well .  This was in a heavily planted 60Gallon 

She is now a lone fish. Not saying don't but as someone else has said you need a plan B with these things in case you get a sociopath like mine.

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On 5/30/2024 at 5:13 AM, Flumpweesel said:

Just to refer back to the Krib again I tried keeping a pair and the female killed to males, so I thought I'd try a female she killed that.  She is so aggressive that everything else kept hidden. She would tip corys to get their eggs so I lost a couple of those to her as well .  This was in a heavily planted 60Gallon 

She is now a lone fish. Not saying don't but as someone else has said you need a plan B with these things in case you get a sociopath like mine.

So females are aggressive by default, not only when breeding. Interesting.  With this conversation, everyone has made me almost afraid of kribs...

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I'm still torn about getting a second rope. I'm worried about the tank being too cramped for them. I need to get more turquoise rainbows to pacify the current two that I have. Also, I feed my rope redworms and meal worms, at least twice a week, but I'm worried that I'm underfeeding him. Better safe than dropsy, but I really wish I knew when he was full.

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