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Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish

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Posted (edited)

What up everybody?

I’m curious of what your personal experiences have been with Red Lizard Whiptail Cats? I have a 55 gallon Angelfish tank, and the colony of Cardinal Tetras has dwindled a little bit. They’ve been fun over the past few years, but it has me thinking about what could come next. 

In your experience, do they eat plants? The general internet seems to think not, but I’m curious what YOU’VE experienced. I know they’ll munch on the biofilm, but that’s different than actually eating plants. For example, my Bristlenose when they were little were rasping my giant Amazon Swords to death and I’d like to avoid that. The Bristlenose didn’t technically “eat” the plants, but they were definitely killing the plants. 

Also, are they difficult to feed in a community setting? The Cory’s in that tank have no problem going for the food that falls through the Angels. I have bottom wafers, algae wafers, etc. Blanched veggies isn’t an issue either, but again I’m curious what you’ve experienced. 

I’ve read that younger specimens seem to be somewhat of an algae eater. I also understand that as they grow they will most likely outgrow that. I know they’re omnivores, need to be fed, can’t rely on just algae to feed them, etc. but this tank has some BBA issues and I wouldn’t mind if they munched on that! I also don’t hate it in the tank, but, ya know, could be a big benefit if they’d help tackle that issue, too. 

Is wood mandatory for them? Currently, the tank has no driftwood, but I’m not opposed to putting some back in if it’s beneficial for them. 

Anything else I should know or that you wish you knew prior to acquiring and keeping them?

@Lennie I feel like maybe I’ve seen you discussing Whiptails on here? Any suggestions?

Thanks, homies. Excited for the next phase of this 4 year old tank!

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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Posted (edited)

Hello there,

I currently have farlowellas and keeping and bred red lizard whiptails

I will try to answer your questions 

They do not eat plants. They jump around from one leaf to another like Tarzan sometimes, it is fun. My red lizard whiptails got fairly inactive when I moved them to a species only tank and breeding started. Their main tank had no pvc pipes and only natural hiding points and such so they were mainly out. Idk if it is the age, or the tank design suitable for their needs resulting in more hide-y behavior

Some people say farlowellas may refuse to eat but mine eat Algae tabs well. I try to give three different ones. Red lizards to enjoy more carnivorous stuff in their diet tho while farlowellas are more of a herbivore

I wouldnt say wood is a must for red lizards, but likely a must for farlowellas as they tend to camouflage and hide. Both love planted tanks

Red lizards are not known very much about. But they kinda love it warmer I believe. Mine bred around 28C but I kept them at lower temps before. They still like it a bit warm but angelfish temps should be fine I believe


Malik has a good care guide so I drop it here. It was very useful for me when I got them for the first time. If you have any question, I may help if I know the answer

Oh and both love leaf litter. Banana leaves being my red lizards number one favorite thing

This is where I used to have my red lizards and planning to introduce them back soon


I always had wood included, including their breeding species only tank. But Malik doesn’t have one I suppose? 

Edited by Lennie
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Posted (edited)

Red lizard whiptails are a bit small tho. Not tiny but still small.

In your tank size, I think a small group of royal farlowellas would look nicer. But I dont have them and they might not need but highly appreciate wood I believe for camouflage and hiding


I realised I forgot to answer the algae eating part. If I am not mistaken, farlowellas are more likely to consume algae as that’s what they basically eat. I would not expect algae eating from red lizard whiptails, they dont even really touch the diatom/soft green algae in my experience

Edited by Lennie
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