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Air loop system , tips&trix

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As long as the pump has the capacity, it should work just fine.

Looks good though.  An air header is a great, pretty easy solution to simplify your fishroom.  It's one of the better things I have done.  Now I have air anywhere I might need it instead of having to screw around with additional air pumps and all that jazz.

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Interesting, mine is actually way more quiet than it was with multiple pumps.  But it's also in an area that isn't normally populated or trafficked (the basement).  So maybe I just don't notice it much.  But a lot of that is pump dependent.  

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Posted (edited)

@jwcarlson yeah its alot more quite now but still to loud for a living room 🙂 a black backdrop would be nice i think and you can hide cables and such behind it.. we will se how far we take it 🙂


We got some fish babies to take care of at the moment 😄


Our Trichopodus leeri did make a bubble nest the other day and now there are baby fryes  everywhere 😄

Edited by FB2024
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