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Greasy brown coating

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I am guessing it is some sort of Algae.  It is mostly only forming on the Cardinal Lobelia plants and glass.


I have been rubbing it off leaves and snipping the ones more covered.  I have cut off clean top growth and replanted while discarding lower coated growth.


None of the other plants seem affected. It is only in 1 tank.  

does anyone know what it is?



Edited by Pepere
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My first guess would be a bio film/brown algae, do you skim? Have aggressive surface agitation?  Could be the oils in foods released into the water column & sticking to objects

Edited by JoeQ
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On 3/20/2024 at 12:06 PM, JoeQ said:

first guess would be a bio film/brown algae, do you skim?

Yes, there is a glass skimmer intake pipe and good surface rippling.


On 3/20/2024 at 1:25 PM, Bsquared said:

That looks like diatoms. Is the tank newly setup?

Nope, over a year old.  Appeared about a month or so ago.

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Imo its something in the water, its only affecting that plant by the intake tube and the tube itself where you are drawing water to. Maybe add some filter floss to polish the water a bit more to see if that takes care of it.

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