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loose bottom rim of tank


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I picked up a Petco 10 gallon and checked the silicone carefully. However, I missed that the bottom black rim along the longer side of the tank is loose. It's held water for a day and a half without leaking but I'm concerned.

Will this leak in the long term or the short term? I'm using it for a temporary holding tank for less than a week while I rescape the main tank.


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The black plastic rims are just there to support the tank. They're not part of the actual tank construction itself and so are not involved at all in the watertight seals of the tank. They're usually glued in place, not siliconed. I actually recently picked up an old used tank that has solid silicone seals, but the glue on the plastic rims was gross and brittle and not holding anymore, so I just removed the rims, scraped out the old glue, and put them back on. Your tank will be fine

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