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Angelfish and snails


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I have a small angelfish in one of my tanks that seems to have decided snails are bad. I'm pretty sure he killed one of my nerites yesterday and will not leave the other two nerites and a mystery snail alone unless I intervene. It's like it is on a seek and destroy mission against the snails. It's a new behavior. Ignores all other tankmates unless they enter his vallisneria corner. This tank gets a lot of ambient light so algae is a constant fight that's why the snails are there so I'd rather not move them, but right now I don't have another tank adequate for the angelfish. Is there any other way to deal with this?

I was thinking of removing it and rearranging the tank some during water change tomorrow. I've had decent results in the past doing this with bullies, but in those cases the fish bullied all tankmates not just specific targets.

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On 12/22/2023 at 9:22 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Cichlids gonna cichlid! 

I have to keep reminding myself that angels are cichlids. This is my first angel but not my first cichlid. I've really been tossing around the idea around of just starting a 40 or 55 gallon angel tank. Very interesting species. I just became so used to seeing them that they just seemed boring until I got this one. 

Lfs convinced me that it would be a good "centerpiece" fish in my platy tank and help keep my platys from over populating. 

I've just never seen or maybe not noticed aggressive behavior towards just one type of tank mate of different species. Maybe it's because everything else in the tank is just too fast to constantly pick on. I wish it would just stop harassing these particular snails and go after the pond snails lol

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On 12/23/2023 at 12:32 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I have a 55 gallon Angel tank and it’s great. Angels, Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Cardinal Tetras, and Albino Cory’s that I bred. Amazon Swords and Jungle Val. It’s a fun tank. 

That does sound like a fun tank. I've never saw rainbows in person until recently my lfs got some they looked amazing in their tank. 

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