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Lillypad’s Journal


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Hi everyone!

I’m writing this journal to give some more background on my fishkeeping experiences. I started with one tank, then decided I need a “quarantine tank”, then another one for fish that didn’t get along in the first tank, etc. I once had 12 tanks, but I found myself spending less and less time with each aquarium. So I condensed my collection down to 5. I got rid of 1, and got 2 more. Now, I have 6: a 2.6 gallon, 10 gallon divided, (2) 20 longs, a 55, and a 60. The 2.6 and the 60 are new. I’ve never had an aquarium over 60 gallons before.

As far as non-fish pets go, I have an axolotl, 2 African dwarf frogs, 3 guinea pigs, and a leopard gecko, which is pictured below.IMG_2422.jpeg.b89cb4ce9b85989454e2b671dd10af6c.jpeg


Edited by Lillypad
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This journal will mostly be about the 60 gallon, because this is the newest, and biggest tank I’ve had so far.

It measures: 48”L x 16”H x 18”D

I had an extra Marineland Filter that I am using currently. 
It cycled very quickly, ammonia and nitrites leveling out by day 3 or 4, and nitrates rising by day 5. Nitrates stopped at 10ppm. I seeded the aquarium with 5 used filter medias from various other tanks, along with Freshwater Turbo Start. I have begun to add a few fish:

x4 pearl gouramis (I believe they are all females)

x2 roseline sharks (I may get more later)

x3 glass catfish (also might get more eventually)

x2 guppies (1 male, 1 female)

Temperature is around 80.

Ph around 7 and soft water.

Feel free to recommend any stocking options (has to get along with angelfish) or other advice.

Edited by Lillypad
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I just ordered 12 marbled angelfish! 

Now I know 12 is way to many for a 60 gallon, so I’m not keeping all of them. I may keep 5 or 6. The plan is to let them pair off, and either keep the pairs, or the others. I will rehome the others to trusted stores/friends.

The thing is, these angelfish will be very small, maybe 1/2”-3/4”. Do you think the roseline sharks are likely to eat them?

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I just noticed that one of the pearl gouramis died. Last night all of the fish ate normally, and they also ate today. Since this is a newly cycled aquarium, I immediately checked the parameters. All are in check. There was this one pearl gouramis that refused to stick with the others, not sure if that is the dead one though. 
I’m thinking of raising the baby angelfish in a separate tank until they’re bigger, either in the community 20 long, or their own 5.5 gallon. These are the only sizes I have available. I’m afraid they’ll be eaten in the 60…

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I actually added the angelfish to the 60 gallon early because they seemed to be doing well. They are now doing very well in the 60. I just got some flame tetras, but they’re going through quarantine. They will be added either to the 60 or the 20. 

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I don’t think I’ll breed the angelfish, as the babies require a larger grow out tank than most fry that I don’t have. I did just order a large variety of new love foods though, so I may consider when the angelfish become if breeding age.

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I just ordered a bunch of different live foods:

microworms, black worms, vinegar eels, red wigglers, brine shrimp, seed shrimp, grindal worms, infusoria, and blood worms 

I am now reconsidering breeding the angelfish when they get bigger.

I got flame tetras (5) that are in quarantine currently.

if anyone has tips on how to culture these live foods, feel free to chime in

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