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My 5 gallon ADF tank.


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Moved the previous ghost shrimp and kuhlis over to the community tank, got a pair of ADFs. One hides generally, the other is all over checking stuff out. I've had them for about 2 weeks now, they both seem to be eating, but one is a tad skinny. I'm afraid of overfeeding considering the volume of the tank. What is the absolute best way to ensure that they get food? I've been tweezerfeeding them small bits of freeze dried tubifex and they both appear to eat it when placed in front of them.


Really enjoying these little guys though, goofy behavior and personalities.





On 9/10/2023 at 10:28 PM, cr0wley said:

Moved the previous ghost shrimp and kuhlis over to the community tank, got a pair of ADFs. One hides generally, the other is all over checking stuff out. I've had them for about 2 weeks now, they both seem to be eating, but one is a tad skinny. I'm afraid of overfeeding considering the volume of the tank. What is the absolute best way to ensure that they get food? I've been tweezerfeeding them small bits of freeze dried tubifex and they both appear to eat it when placed in front of them.


Really enjoying these little guys though, goofy behavior and personalities.





Also planning on superglueing some mesh over the light gap in the tank lid, as you can see right now I just have cardboard laid across the gap.

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