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Tank Journal 2


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Seems so people enjoyed my first tank journal so I'm starting another for next semester. Obviously I can't set up the tank yet so this will just be brain storming. Not like I have anything more pressing to do during finals week. 😉

For anyone waiting for an update to the other journal, The tank is at home rn and i forgot to take any pictures. All the fish are survived the trip, at least.

For next semester's tank, I want to try breeding apistos. For those you followed the last journal, you may be thinking that a five would be too small for a pair of apistos, but i have a solution: bring a ten gallon. I mean, what are they gonna do, measure it? Non fish keepers can't tell the difference anyway. And, let's be real, people are breaking a lot more serious dorm rules all the time.

Anyways, i want to try a black water tank with a peace lily emersed out of the top. There wont be any plants in the substrate, just the peace lily and some floats. I thinking of a light, fine sand for the substrate. For hardscape, im thinking spide wood to help blend in the lily. I collected some botanicals, (black?) Oak leaves and acorn husks. The leaves i got right from the tree but the husks I got off the ground hopefully thats ok. I also have some coconut shells im gonna make into caves. I may use some rocks too, not sure.

Any suggestions are appreciated


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