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Fin rot?


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This is gingerbread. I'm not sure if he's in the early stages of fin rot or not. The tips of his tail have gotten a little clear and jagged and I don't remember it being like that when I got him. Also a coyote if days ago I saw fogg or something like that on one of his eyes. Google said it could be due to a scratch from a tank decoration. You can kind of see it in the picture. Other eye looks normal and black. Any thoughts on the fin and eye? It's not that great of a picture of the tail. He's camera shy. Thanks in advance for the help!


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looks like general wear and tear from aging/ decor to me, could be some early stages of fin rot and you could treat him with the med trio, however, if it were me I could continue to monitor and make sure the parameters are dialed in, I try not to play doctor personally unless it’s absolutely necessary but that’s just me, what a beautiful fish also!

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On 11/10/2022 at 9:15 AM, Saly said:

Thank you! I'll sit tight and just monitor him then. I get paranoid haha. 

If you need clean water, look into getting floating plants. I'd steer clear of duckweed because once its in the tank, its very hard to get rid of. I use Salvinia but there is also frog bit or red root floaters.  The Betta will love the cover from above and the floaters will use up the excess nitrates. A lot of stem plants work the same but those are a little more work because you have to trim them when they get too long. With floaters, you just scoop out a few hand fulls when it gets too dense.

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So I personally don't see fin rot in this picture. The clear tips of the tail usually indicate the fins are growing back. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about eye ailments... but I second the clean water and aquarium salt to see if it helps!

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On 11/11/2022 at 9:56 AM, NOLANANO said:

If you need clean water, look into getting floating plants. I'd steer clear of duckweed because once its in the tank, its very hard to get rid of. I use Salvinia but there is also frog bit or red root floaters.  The Betta will love the cover from above and the floaters will use up the excess nitrates. A lot of stem plants work the same but those are a little more work because you have to trim them when they get too long. With floaters, you just scoop out a few hand fulls when it gets too dense.

Oh definitely. This is his temp tank since the other planned tank I have is so cycling. I have some sivinias and water lettuce, although I'm going to take out the water lettuce when I put him in there since I read that it's actually a dangerous plant for them. I'm looking into getting some frogbit too though. 

On 11/11/2022 at 5:38 PM, Rita said:

So I personally don't see fin rot in this picture. The clear tips of the tail usually indicate the fins are growing back. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about eye ailments... but I second the clean water and aquarium salt to see if it helps!

Oh that's good. I'm new to the hobby and when I heard of fin rot, I started to get paranoid haha. Could the clear tips of the tail also mean that it's growing? 

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