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Pacific Northwest Botanicals Scrounging Ideas?


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So, I'm a very DIY fish keeper. I buy almost everything second hand, and from thrift stores. When possible. Though I've spent a pretty penny with ACO. All my decorations, rocks, and wood are all from rivers by my house.

I'm looking for ideas for botanicals and litter that I can harvest from around my house. I've already got oak leaves and alder cones galore, but I'm sure there are other things.

Does anybody else here have experience collecting junk for your tank in the Pacific Northwest? I live south of Seattle, but pretty much everything around here is the same.





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Hello! I live in Northern California. I have been trying out local (not exactly native) botanicals that I can find. I've done acorn tops, oak leave, magnolia leaves and bamboo. I am fortunate/unfortunate that I have the bamboo in the backyard, the leaves are very nice for a tannin tank and they aren't really fibrous, so they don't take forever to breakdown. The dried bamboo stems are good tubes/hide holes for smaller fish or frogs. 


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