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36 gallon bow front and sponge filter??


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Hey everyone! So, I have a 36 gallon bow front tank with an aquaclear 70 hob with intake sponge currently. It does it’s job no problem really there it’s just that it’s really noisy to me, has been since I got it and I have checked the impeller and keep it clean and all that stuff, I’m just honestly not big on it. I’ve really been considering a large sponge filter where they seem less noisy and more cost efficient, plus I want to add some live plants, but I can’t really find any information on them for my size tank. So if anyone has experience/info I would greatly appreciate hearing what you have to say about it!

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Sounds like you’re doing all the right stuff so far. And yeah, those HOB can vibrate and depending on the water level they can sound like pouring water. 

The aquarium coop large sponge filter would be fine. At 30g you’re technically in between the medium and the large but since we are talking about surface area for biological filtration your better with the size larger then a size smaller. 

With that said the sponge can be quieter and more cost efficient but will need an air pump to work properly. They too can be noisy and vibrate and generally have a humming sound so there’s a trade off too. Both the sponge and the aquaclear will work with well for plants. 

Not sure I’m helping but I suppose the noise is a trade off either way. You could keep tinkering with the aquaclear to see if you can quiet it down. Sometimes raising the water level in the tank can help. 

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@ScottieB thank you! I’ve tried raising the water level also but that hasn’t helped either. It’s not really the sound of the water that bothers me it’s to me like a rattling humming ordeal from the filter that some days just drives me insane lol. I also have to have it backed up into a corner and have to keep it pulled out some so I can mess with the filter and would rather have it farther against the wall where I have dogs. One especially who likes to roll her toys underneath it and the gap is big enough for her to attempt to try to get them if I’m gone and I really don’t want to come home to a huge accident at some point lol. So you think just one large one would work? Also where would the best place be to put it? In the middle or does it really matter?

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Hey @Lori2219! I use both Coop sponge filters and some HOB’s. While I do not claim to be an expert, I do have a few years experience with the products. Here’s my thoughts. 

I love the Coop sponge filters and run them in all my tanks and I use every size. I have the large sponges in several of my tanks, and every time I have to clean them I ALWAYS wish they were mediums. Even with a 1 gallon ziplock bag, the larges are just a pain and I always fluff off a bunch of mulm and I ALWAYS wish it was a medium. Also, remember that ALL the surfaces in your aquarium grow beneficial bacteria (all the glass, wood, decorations, etc). Me personally, I would go with a medium, for ease of cleaning, but I also don’t know your stocking level. Dealers choice on what size you go with. 

I personally LOVE the usb nano air pumps with the sponge filters. They have more than enough power to give you all the water movement you need, and if you can hang them from somewhere/something they’re virtually silent. I run them all over the place and can’t get enough of them. 

If your intent is to take off your HOB and switch to the sponge only, I would run both for about 2 weeks to adequately seed the sponge with beneficial bacteria. Once the sponge is seeded you can take off the HOB and you shouldn’t (key word shouldn’t) run into any ammonia/nitrite spikes. Test often once the HOB is removed to be sure, but you should be fine. 

I personally hide my heaters and sponge filters behind rocks/driftwood/plants as much as possible. All of my tanks have the sponge filter in the back left. 

I hope all this info helps you out! Here’s some of my tanks so you can get an idea:




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@AllFishNoBrakes Thank you for the info! Also I love all of your tanks! I currently have an air pump hooked to an air stone that I’ve had for a while and probably going to use until the new air pump with the battery is in stock bc that will extremely help me out. For whatever reason where I live out in the middle of nowhere they love to play the turn the electric on and off every week for no reason at all in the summer 🙄 another reason I wanted to switch. 
I’ve been to scared forever to try life plants, but have been watching videos and really wanting to try a few for beginners. I honestly don’t want to get into co2 and canisters and all the high tec stuff just something simple. Hopefully I don’t screw it up lol, everything makes me nervous about this hobby bc it seems I make a ton of mistakes and have just been doing it for a yr. 
My current stock

1 blue angel

6 sunrise platys 

6 cory catfish 

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@Lori2219 You gotta remember that we’re all constantly learning and this hobby is just one giant experiment. If you look at it as an experiment you can’t go wrong. 

Your stocking could easily be handled with a medium sponge filter, in my opinion. And, if you already have the air pump then you have everything you need! 

Plants can be intimidating, but once you get some things that do well in your water and your tank is balanced it’s awesome! I play with some c02 on some of my tanks, but I have plenty more without it and they all have plants.

Best of luck with the switch of the filter! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

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@Lori2219 go ahead take the plunge into plants. You don’t need anything high tech. You can grow houseplants on the windowsill or have an elaborate hydroponic system. Both will grow plants just depends on how far you want to take your hobby.

There’s lots of Coop videos and info but honestly try something simple (anubias, Java fern, water sprite or pogostemon)  and you’ll do great. 

You can’t go wrong with a sponge filter, especially if you already have an air stone running.  The text book answer is prob use two smaller sponges then you can alternate maintenance. But honestly the single larger one would be perfect. 

@AllFishNoBrakes makes a good point about running them both for about 2 weeks in order to season the new sponge filter




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@Lori2219 I love Swords. An Amazon Sword was the first plant I ever bought. 2 years later and it’s MASSIVE. Takes up 1/3 of my 55 gallon by itself. Agreed that Pogostemon is an excellent plant as well. Java moss only grows well for me in one of my tanks.

The downside to plants is that when you first start, you have to buy the plants and then the fertilizer. Thankfully though, the Coop now has the nano size of the Easy Green, small packages of root tabs, and an excellent selection of beginner plants. I highly recommend plants. Just like everything else, they can be intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it you’ll never go back. 

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@Lori2219 What kind of light do you have on there? Might just be the lighting of the picture, but it looks very blue. To the best of my knowledge, live plants can’t or don’t really use the blue spectrum, but algae does! Keep that in mind, especially if you’re thinking about hopping into plants. Here’s some of my favorite:

-Anubius. The rhizome can’t be buried in the substrate, so these are often glued or tied to wood, rocks, etc. Slow growers, require fertilizer in the water column, and don’t require much light. Because they are such slow growers they will not out competent algae so I recommend snails to help with algae control. I’ve tried multiple different species of Anubius from the Coop, but they just don’t do well in my water from them. I’ve had better luck with big box stores either already grown underwater, or the plants that come in a plastic tube and you convert them yourself. 

-Java Ferns. I love the look of them, but they don’t do excellent in my water. Again a rhizome plant that gets glued or tied. Fertilizer in the water column, and are branded as a beginner plant. 

-Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. Stem plant that grows crazy in my water! When they get big enough you can chop the top of the plant off and replant it, and then boom you have another plant when it grows roots. I do root tabs and Easy Green. Most of my tanks have this plant. 

-Pearl Weed. Another stem plant that goes very well for me. Granted, I have it in a dirted tank, but it crushes for me and every time you trim it it gets bushier and bushier. 

-Amazon Swords. I love them, they just get big. Heavy root feeder and don’t require much light. 

-Java Moss. Slow grower so can have algae issues. Does extremely well in one of my tanks, not so well in the others. 

-Floating plants. Do your very best to avoid the dreaded duckweed. Salvinia, Water Lettuce, and Red Root Floaters are some of my favorites. Provide shade to help with algae issues and any floating plant soaks up tons of nutrients from the water column. 

Those are all the ones that do best for me. 

As far as placement, the general rule of thumb is to put the bigger plants to the back and the smaller plants to the front to create depth. I don’t follow all the aquascaping rules. I put stuff in my tanks how I think it looks good and then just let it go crazy. 

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@AllFishNoBrakes Yea the light is blue lol it was on night mode about to go off it’s only on like that for like an hr before it shuts off and I didn’t want to mess with it and freak my fish out to take a pic lol. It’s a Fluval aqua sky 2.0 I think is what it’s called? I wish I had just got the one for plants but I got this one onsale and the other hadn’t been out that long I don’t think so was over my budget at the time lol.

I like the look of the red root floaters, are they hard to grow? Also where could I find them?

I didn’t think about the water difference ordeal 🤦🏼‍♀️ I live on the other side of the country lol so now I’m not sure what I should do about where I get the plants.

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@AllFishNoBrakesthis is the usual lighting, the brightness is around 65-70% I guess. I still haven’t really got the hang of it. I don’t really know the settings I should have it on for plants either but feel like the programmed setting is way to bright it has everything at almost 100% 

I just have four colors to, blue,white,red and green 


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