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Oranda Goldfish Start of Fin Rot?

Macho Dolphin

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Hey Fishkeepers, 

I've had my little dudes for about a week now and it seems that the yellow fish (Chester) fins look "jagged" or transparent towards the end. Is this the start of Fin Rot? U can see in the second picture a little piece of his fin is hanging. Never had this in a tank before. The water parameters are great. I cleaned the tank and cleaned the HOB filter today. Not sure if they could be nipping each other's fin as they swim around one another very close and chases each other's butts around. 



-Macho Dolphin



Edited by Macho Dolphin
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it’s hard to tell from the picture but it is possible, you could use a medicated flake food to see if it helps or medicate them for fin rot, however I wouldn’t personally unless I just purchased them (they would be quarantined and medicated in that case) or if I were 100% able to identify illness. If I had to make an uneducated guess, if your water parameters are ok and your keeping up on your maintenance it’s most likely a battle scar from being nipped but this is just a guess as I’m not well versed enough to diagnose from the picture, perhaps someone one here is and can weigh in…

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On 8/31/2022 at 12:13 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

it’s hard to tell from the picture but it is possible, you could use a medicated flake food to see if it helps or medicate them for fin rot, however I wouldn’t personally unless I just purchased them (they would be quarantined and medicated in that case) or if I were 100% able to identify illness. If I had to make an uneducated guess, if your water parameters are ok and your keeping up on your maintenance it’s most likely a battle scar from being nipped but this is just a guess as I’m not well versed enough to diagnose from the picture, perhaps someone one here is and can weigh in…

I appreciate u taking the time to look this over! Ive been keeping a close eye on it and today it seems better. I did have 1 rummy nose tetra for about 4 days in the tank with them and it possibly could have been him and ive never noticed till now. 

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Of course no problem, it very well could be something simple like a fin nip or an abrasion of some sort, I would just monitor it as you have, as long as the fish are healthy, have healthy appetites and seem to be in good spirits it’s probably not too concerning. If you notice it get worse or something change it might be a good time to alter the course of action in my opinion

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That to me just looks like a ruff and tumble insident and I completely agree with @CJs Aquatics. The only thing I'm adding is that fin rot if you ever encounter it looks sore and progresses quite fast often the fins have red veins or edging to them. 

I love how diligent you are so I thought giving you some things to look out for might help reassure you .

Enjoy your goldies 


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