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Rice fish gender identification


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Hey all! I've been trying to figure out the sex of my platinum rice fish. I've had them about a month and haven't had them breed. I feel like a bad fish dad slash a dummy since all I've ever heard is how very easy it is to breed them. Thanks for any help!

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+1 for the pics above.

I currently have daisy's ricefish, and used to have the orange youkihi. I never saw the anal fin differences in the oranges, but it does work with the daisy's. Also, I've found the daisy males are much darker body color, like slate grey, while the females have bright shiny base color. But the color difference might only show up with full adults, not sure. 

Make sure you have LOTS of cover in the breeding tank, if you're trying to get fry in the same tank as the adults. KeepingFishSimple on youtube has a good vid on how he breeds them - he pulls adults after 2 weeks in a tank with a huge moss clump. 

Make sure you check the fish daily for females holding eggs. Usually you'd see that from lights on to mid-day. If you're looking every day, at the right time, and not seeing eggs, maybe they just need more time. I put my adult daisy's in a couple 50gal bins outside, and it took a good 6-8 weeks to see the first fry. I was surprised they didn't start right away. 

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On 8/30/2022 at 5:58 AM, TOtrees said:

I never saw the anal fin differences in the oranges

Must be a youhiki thing. It's really obvious on my white miyukis but I've also noticed its harder to see on the youhiki oranges. 


On 8/29/2022 at 7:23 PM, Cade-O said:

I've had them about a month and haven't had them breed.

There seems to be a lot of differences between strains of ricefish. My whites took a few month to breed indoors but bred outside right away. My oranges bred indoors right away but not for a few months after being moved outside. Then the whites don't eat their own fry while the oranges do.

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