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Really high pH in fairly new tank, not sure why.


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I started cycling my future betta tank just over a week ago and was testing my water using my API kit to see how it was going. I had never seen a pH reading that high before! It was almost black! 

Set up is a 15 gallon divided in 2 using a natural slate divider, using a 2 weeks cycled sponge filter on both sides, and already added several plant cuts from an established tank and a few snails to finish cycling. I have organic potting soil under BDBS for a substrate, and only mopani wood for decorations. 

Everything I have SHOULD be lowering the pH. My ammonia levels are effectively 0, nitrites are a bit high, but nothing out of the ordinary when having a low bio-loaded cycle, but my nitrates are really high - I assume from using potted soil and only some small water column feeding plants. Tap water ranges from 7.6 to 8.2 depending on which tap I use. I do now want to try a pH down additive as I fear it will interrupt or reset my cycle.

All my other 6 tanks stabilized to 6.8 to 7.2 after just a few days. So what is going on?


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On 8/28/2022 at 9:27 PM, Scapexghost said:

Do you have a second test kit? Could be a faulty reading. Not sure what else it could be tbh.

I have some test strips en route, to be sure and was going to take a sample to my LFS on Monday for confirmation. 

I was hoping to be able to start looking for fish I liked this week, but looks like I will just be doing some extra water changes and a lot of testing for now.

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Nitrates are high from the potting soil, not because you have completed a cycle yet since you have nitrite readings. Those definitely need to be at zero before considering adding any fish. Consider several partial water changes over the coming days to bring down those nitrate levels - the plants will use them eventually if you don't mind waiting awhile, but since this is a smaller tank the water changes aren't too bad (why I didn't use potting soil in my dual 75s). Given the plants and the preseeded media it shouldn't be too long.

I've had a similar issue with my new setups going high PH at first, but not drastic - 7.6 when the tap is 7.1. But it always drops over the first few weeks as long as you don't have any reactive rock, etc. Those API reagents do expire, worth a look to see. I suspect the test too, hopefully your test strips arrive soon.

Nice banana plants, BTW 😉 I got some last week finally and love them. My rocket killies are quite amused by it!

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The API reagents expire and start giving crazy results- test against tap water or another tank with a known value and see what you get. 

I've also found wild results after dosing chemicals- water conditioner or bottled bacteria really mess up those API kits...

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