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Algae Help Request

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I have what I think is an issue with Black Beard Algae starting in my tank and I'm hoping the community can help me resolve this.

I've attached a couple photos to help diagnose the algae.  Sorry that the picture quality is a bit rough.

The tank is a 15 gallons.  I currently have 4 Honey Gourami, 1 Julii Coryoras, a couple Otocinclus, 4 Amano shrimp, a couple snails, and a Siamese Algae Eater.

I added the Siamese Algae Eater in hopes that he would help resolve this issue.  He doesn't seem interested at all in working on this problem.  He just swims around occasionally interacting with a plant or two but mostly just stays active in the water column or rests on a leaf.

Can anyone confirm if this is Black Beard Algae?  Any thoughts on why the SAE doesn't seem to want to eat it?  Alternate solutions?  I've looked into chemical methods but would prefer to avoid that if possible.

Thanks in advance for your help!




Edited by Fiend1981
Added text and photos.
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Cannot confirm that it’s bba but appears to definitely be the starts of some form of hair algae. With regards to combatting it it’s probably due to excess nutrients in the water column or too much light judging from the density of plants it appears you have. Depending upon the age of the tank this could be related to it not fully balancing yet. I would test my water to see specifically where the nutrient ranges lie, and up my water change game as a first step. Monitor things then I would take a look at my light schedule. You can use a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide topically on decor to kill algae as well. Plants eventually usually out compete it with good maintenance. As far as your fish not eating it, there are probably other more appetizing things for them to consume ie whatever you feed the others. I have heard of people introducing the algae they wish to become a food source to the fish by drying and mixing it with the food they feed however I can’t speak for this credibility as I have never tried it myself. 

1. test water to see if the bloom is nutrient related 

2. up the maintenance schedule

3. Adjust lighting accordingly 

4. monitor 

I hope this helps, algae is a never ending battle for all of us, dialing things in appropriately takes time and a delicate balance, I would avoid chemical solutions unless absolutely necessary

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