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Nano epiphyte cube journal


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Hello all, I've been working on a new home for my Betta Kvothe since his previous tank was a big mess and didn't really at all turn out like I wanted it to. I got a cube 6 gallon on sale (what I really wanted was the massive 60 gallon cube but I figure I already put my wife through enough as it is).

The hard scape:


Mopani wood, pea gravel, and wild collected river rocks. I've come to find that I don't really care for the fancier "aquascaping" rocks like dragon stone, the smooth and round look appeals to me. 

I expect I will suffer a high evaporation rate due to the proximity to the air conditioner but I will do what I have to. Luckily it is a small tank so it will be easy to relocate if it is a problem.



My new plants arrived from the Co-op today. Anubias "gold coin," Anubias "golden," and Bucephelandra dark pearl. Everything looks good, hopefully the buce will behave. I have never kept it before so I'm not sure how it will go.


Added a few plants I had laying around as well. Amazon frogbit,  H. tripartita "Japan," H. leucephala, and Subwassertang. More to come.

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