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"Don't tell my old lady how much I spent" journal


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Received some cool new plants yesterday. Some tonina fluviatilis, Bacopa colorata, purple staurogyne, and cuphea anagalloidea. Slowly moving the 60p into a mostly rare plant tank. 10galon tank has turned into a holding cell for now. Plan on selling all the plants in it and resetting the tank.PXL_20230726_2119030722.jpg.a0454a7284e6b2c524cc867b5709838e.jpgPXL_20230726_211910343.jpg.ed133d05e141f281627be207cd19e19f.jpg

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First month down. The Tonina are doing great and have given me a lot of babies. Added a few other plants just to help get the tank stable. Fighting a little bit of staghorn since a lot of the plants melted back. Increase water changes and cleaning before I adjust lighting or ferts.



Thinking I'll move a lot of the plants around in here over the weekend.


Some bugs have been eating my plants like crazy but these bins are doing great.


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Managed my to propagate Xyris sp red, chia and split the erio quins up this weekend. Erio sulawesi is struggling a bit as it's been fighting a lot of algae as it transitions to sub.



Moved everything around but not really happy with it. Going to give it sometime to settle in before I mess with it again. Hoping the pogo erectus will take off but it's been struggling.





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Been a busy few months and tanks have been a bit neglected. Did a big cleaning on the small tank this weekend. Everything looks great minus erio quin. Uprooted most the plants to clean the substrate. Plan to move some stuff around in the 60p this week when I do maintenance.



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This was my first aquarium that started the addiction and most neglected tank. This piece of spider wood caught my eye and I grabbed a few river rocks. It was a 5gallon topfin split tank, I removed the waterfall divider. I toss the tank back together last week with a quick scape. 


I looked at it for a few hours over the week and ordered a few supplies. This is the end result.


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  • 3 months later...

Haven't posted in a while. Nice to look back and see how far I've come over the 2 years. 



Participated in the nano aquascape workshop at AGA convention. Was a great experience abd ended up with this tank.



40g breeder I set up for my dad


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