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Can vallisneria live without fertilizer?

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I'm setting up my first tank in a very, very long time. First time with plants. I have some root tabs on order, but I stopped into a new to me pet store and they had good looking plants so I bought two vallisneria, but I don't have anything to feed it yet. How long can they last with no food? 


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Plants are more resilient than most people think. As a last resort, it will absorb its own nutrients to survive. For how long, im not sure. You might also have nutrients in the water that you are unaware of. And if you are feeding the tank to cycle it the plant will absorb nitrogen and phosphate from the water column provided by the breakdown of fishfood. 

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Thanks y'all! It's cycled already, I've been feeding the bacteria with ammonia. I have rocks coming in today, the root tabs and nano fish food on Monday, then fish hopefully sometime next week. 

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